On Monday, The Conversation ran an article by two anthropologists titled “Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why.”
On Monday, The Conversation ran an article by two anthropologists titled “Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why.”
The old Men’s Rights theory was that women were oppressed once upon a time, but not any more. The slightly newer Men’s Rights theory is that women have never been oppressed — they were pampered by their men, like a cosseted pet.
By David Futrelle
Not long ago, we met some Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists happily declaring that the coronavirus must be a TERF like them because it was disproportionately killing men — and (allegedly) making trans women sad.
By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights activists like to pat themselves, and their fellow men, on the back for doing the hard work that keeps civilization going. It’s overwhelmingly men, they point out, who mine the coal, who cut down the trees, who build the houses, who put out these houses when they catch on fire, and who do any number of other Really Manly Man things that the world needs, or thinks it needs, done. (I’m pretty sure that we could do without the coal.)
By David Futrelle
Misogynists really seem to think there’s some kind of vast worldwide conspiracy to give women cushy jobs they still can’t do properly, because, you know, women are all incompetent and lazy. Consider this lovely little screed posted recently in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:
By David Futrelle
In today’s edition of Nazi Mad Libs, the [DAILY STORMER] is mad at [STARGATE ATLANTIS] for [PORTRAYING WOMEN AS COMPETENT.]
By David Futrelle
Earlier this week, I wrote about misogynists using Alyssa Milano’s proposed #SexStrike as “proof” that women are manipulators at heart, continually using sex — and the withholding of sex — to get what they want from men.
By David Futrelle
So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.
It’s Equal Pay Day, the annual holiday intended to remind everyone of the still very much real wage gap between men and women, so what better day for self-styled Manosphere “economist” Aaron Clarey to declare that the economic worth of women is based almost entirely on their hotness?
So the people who brought us the Women’s March on Washington have another big idea: A general strike of all American women. So far the idea looks to be just that, an idea; they haven’t even picked a date yet.