antifeminism misogyny women aren't funny

Women aren’t funny, declare world’s unfunniest men

Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”

alt-lite alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect evil giantesses men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm twitter white supremacy whooosh! women aren't funny

Tallgate: Man uses SCIENCE and a woman’s wedding pic to rebut her claim of being seven and a half feet tall. (She was joking.)

We’re through the looking glass, people!

By David Futrelle

Perhaps one of the reasons that so many men are convinced women aren’t funny is that these guys have no idea when women are making fun of them.

Dunning–Kruger effect men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter women aren't funny women can't logic

Humorless dudes explain humor to funny women in inadvertently hilarious Twitter thread

As I have conclusively proven, the humor of Andrew Dice Clay is truly the pinnacle of human achievement

By David Futrelle

At this very moment — as you read this very sentence — some dude somewhere who completely lacks a sense of humor is explaining to a woman who does not that women just aren’t funny like men.