homophobia misogyny open thread transphobia woke

Open Thread: Donald Trump and other right-wing dingbats think the US Women’s Soccer team lost because it’s too woke

I’m still on hiatus–more details coming in a few days–but I thought I’d toss this out as a discussion topic. Here’s something on the, er, controversy from Vox. And feel free to talk about anything else you want to as well, as per our usual arrangement.

antifeminism cancel culture culture war misandry transphobia woke

The anti-Barbie backlash is even bigger and dumber than I expected

Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post there, How releasing the Llama 2 language model as open source could come back to bite Meta, and all of us, in the ass.

A week ago, I wrote a post about the nascent anti-Barbie movie crusade, and I noted that it seemed oddly muted. Well, what a difference a week makes: with the movie actually out this weekend, the anti-Barbie forces have turned up the volume, denouncing the movie as “woke” feminazi garbage that pushes a not-very-secret LGBTQ agenda.

culture war homophobia transphobia woke

Right-wing culture warriors try to gin up outrage at the new “woke” Barbie film because a trans actress plays one of the Barbies

This Barbie is also played by a trans actress

Are you a writer feeling stuck? I can help, either as an editor or a writing coach. Find out more here.

Last month hate preacher Kent Christmas kicked off a crusade against the upcoming Barbie movie, calling for God to “loose a Holy judgment” on the film because it’s “full of transsexual and transgender and homosexuality.”

#GetWokeGoBroke culture war transphobia woke

Get woke, go broke? Not so fast

Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post there, Are you nice to ChatGPT? Should you be?

Right-wingers are forever announcing boycotts of major corporations for their alleged “wokeness.” This past week, these culture warriors have started raising a stink about Bud Light after trans influencer Dylan Mulveny endorsed the blue-collar beer in a Tik-Tok video. “Get woke, go broke!” is their favorite slogan, though they often forget the exact wording: (CW: Transphobia.)

AI culture war racism woke

Let’s use AI to annoy the right-wing culture warriors at Bounding Into Comics

Black Snow White

The last time we checked in on the intrepid right-wing culture warriors at Bounding Into Comics, they were pitching a fit over the race- and gender-swapping of some of the characters in Disney’s live-action remake of Peter Pan & Wendy. In the new version of the film, you see, neither Peter Pan nor Tinkerbell is white–and some of the Lost Boys are girls! Naturally, this makes the Bounding Into Comics guys very mad, for some completely unknown reasons that couldn’t possibly be racism or misogyny.

culture war misogyny racism woke

Right-wing culture warriors furious at Disney for casting black girls as “lost boys” in the new Peter Pan & Wendy

Those aren’t white boys!!1!1

There’s a new Disney movie coming out in which the cast is not all white, so naturally, the right-wingers are throwing a fit about “wokeness” and the alleged evils of race-mixing–sorry, race-swapping.

homophobia jk rowling transphobia woke

“Rowlingphobia” and other supposed afflictions of our supposed “woke” culture

The right lives in its own little world, and in that world, these are three big concerns right now:

eternal gamergate misogyny racism reddit video games woke

The next game in the Grand Theft Auto series will have a female protagonist, so that’s pretty much the end of civilization right there

The protagonists of GTA V react to the news

It’s been a rough couple of days for video game enthusiasts who hate women and scream about things being “woke” all the time. According to a story on Bloomberg this past Wednesday, sources within game developer Rockstar are saying that GTA 6 will have a lady as one of the main characters.

antifeminism evil SJWs homophobia woke

16 things that are unexpectedly woke

Woke Disney is hypnotizing your children!

“Woke” remains one of the right’s favorite buzzwords. It means everything and nothing and can be used to describe anything.

jordan peterson reddit transphobia twitter woke

Jordan Peterson got suspended from Twitter for a transphobic tweet, and even his fans think it might do him some good

Orange man bad

So fusspot Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson got himself suspended from Twitter for a tweet about actor Elliot Page that pretty clearly broke the site’s rules on hate speech.