If you like the Higgs boson, you’re going to LOVE The Sarkeesian Effect!
The reviews are in!
Well, at least one review is in.
In a 5000 word review essay that is perhaps too charitably described as “rambling,” military obsessed blogger Freiherr Karza von Karnstein explains why he loves The Sarkeesian Effect so much.
While his, er, argument is too convoluted for me to summarize in a brief blog post, I have taken the liberty of extracting some sentences from it that I think would work well as blurbs to use on The Sarkeesian Effect’s DVD cover and in other publicity efforts.
I have also taken the liberty of adding exclamation points to all of the possible blurbs below to give them a little extra zing!
So The Independent recently ran a piece by Catherine Murphy of Amnesty International, explaining why the organization is calling for the decriminalization of sex work.
In the comments, someone calling themselves THEMISHMISHEH offers a unique take on the issue.
And by “unique” I mean “seemingly from another planet.”
So I found the meme above on the Twitter, posted by some FeMRA I’ve never heard of but who for some reason has me blocked.
I’m stumped. A little reverse-image search shows that the pic is a still from a K-Pop video. Which … doesn’t really help me to make sense of this at all.
It’s a day ending in “y” and “Men’s Human Rights Activist” Dean Esmay is spamming another hashtag on Twitter with belligerent and nonsensical Tweets directed at some imaginary feminist living in his head.
Wait, these were Tweeted yesterday, not today. Let me check something.
Yes, Thursday is also a day ending in “y,” so let’s continue.
Repugnant “game” guru Heartiste, who specializes in dating advice aimed at aspiring emotional abusers, seems to be trying to launch a second career as a kind of white supremacist Nostradamus. In a post this Tuesday, he predicted an imminent uprising by the white masses against the “cultural elites” and evil “leftoids” who’ve been, I dunno, oppressing them somehow with multiculturalism or something?
Well, whatever it is the leftoids have been doing, Heartiste thinks they’ll soon be facing their day of reckoning:
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!
I feel I need to start this post with a warning. And I hope you will take it seriously. Because someone at Return of Kings, Roosh V’s horrendous Red Pill megasite, has decided to try to write fancy.
And what they have produced instead is some kind of Lovecraftian monstrosity.