
Is heterosexuality gay? A confused Roosh V ponders the question

Yes, his beard is slowly eating his head

By David Futrelle

The newly-minted Christian moralist Roosh V spent many years of his life immersed in a lifestyle that one can only call depraved — using a crude and predatory version of “pickup artistry” that at times seems to have been indistinguishable from rape to “score” with women; he wrote a series of books teaching other men how to do the same.


Today’s Incel Insight: Chads have sex with ugly women just to make incels more miserable

A flock of chads searching for ugly girls

By David Futrelle

One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.


“Getting raped is a product of sexual privilege,” declares Blackpilled Twitterer

Rape is a kind of robbery, according to @CCide

By David Futrelle

Twitter’s @CCide is a “blackpilled” incel-sympathizer who describes himself in his Twitter bio as someone “Enforcing Monogamy, Unhorsing Sodomy, Endorsing Patriarchy.” He’s got close to 4500 Twitter followers, among them Rollo Tomassi, an internet-famous Red Piller responsible for the “Rational Male” books and website. He clearly sees himself as a philosopher of the so-called Black Pill.

He’s also got perhaps the worst take on rape I’ve ever seen:


On J.K. Rowling’s TERFy sleight of hand

JK Rowling: TERF

By David Futrelle

In a series of tweets, followed by a sprawling, combative blog post, J.K. Rowling has gone full TERF on us. There’s a lot that’s wrong about the assorted arguments she sets forth in her post — and others have started dissecting its flaws and its dishonesties already in everything from magazine articles to Reddit posts to Twitter threads.


The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin hates babies — but wants white couples to produce as many of them as humanly possible

Andrew Anglin: Angry, baby!

By David Futrelle

Nazis have a bit of an obsession about babies, forever urging white couples to pump out a many of them as humanly possible. Even the infamous “14 words” neo-Nazi catechism is all about “secur[ing] … a future for white children.”


Every time a man has sex with a women, he leaves a little piece of his essence behind, weirdo entrepreneur explains

Break me off a piece of that Life Force

By David Futrelle

Nyasha Madzima is the CEO of a one-person “branding and media” company that doesn’t seem to have a working web page. He also doesn’t seem to have a working knowledge of biology.


One Angry Gamer is furious that Netflix’s live-action Cowboy Bebop will feature slightly less skimpy clothes for Faye

By David Futrelle

In these troubled times, it’s good to know that the guys at One Angry Gamer have their priorities straight. Forget police violence, forget the tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths caused by Trump’s utter mishandling of the coronavirus. The crucial issue of our time is exactly how short the shorts of Faye from Cowboy Bebop should be.


Incel blows off his own hand in failed bomb plot (allegedly)

By David Futrelle

It was the biggest of oopsies. 23-year-old Cole Carini of Richlands, Virginia evidently planned to set off a bomb at a local mall in an attempt to somehow strike back at the “hot cheerleaders” who had ignored him in school.


Police brutality at the anti-police brutality protests: A video roundup

By David Futrelle

I‘ve run across so many videos of police misconduct and brutality aimed at George Floyd protesters, media, and even onlookers that I thought it might be helpful to gather them all in once place. Feel free to add more in the comments below and I can add them to the post.


Roses are red, ducks are ducky. Poems by incels are really quite sucky

By David Futrelle

Incels are bad at a lot of things, from”hiding their raging misogyny” to “being decent human beings.” But there are few things that they’re worse at than poetry.