
Now is the time for A Voice for Men to ask: “Are we the baddies?”

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By David Futrelle

In 2010, men’s rights lawyer Roy Dean Hollander wrote an inflammatory piece for the men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men declaring that men might be forced to take up arms to defeat what he saw as the tyranny of feminism.


MGTOW: There’s no such thing as single women, because they’re all having Chad sex multiple times a week

Single ladies: Not really a thing?

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By David Futrelle

If men are from Mars and women from Venus, then MGTOWs must be from Uranus. Or, rather, Theirownanus. In any case, they live on a different planet than the rest of us. Proof? They take nonsense like this to be the literal truth:


Incels fight for their right to (have a political) party

I hope no bad people show up

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By David Futrelle

What if incels took a break from their endless circle-jerking about the putative evil of “femoids” and “cucks” and how the world treats them so badly it’s like another Holocaust, and decided to put some of their energy into making the world a better place for incels?


Was Roy Den Hollander an “extreme” Men’s Rights Activist? No, he was well within the MRA mainstream

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By David Futrelle

There’s a story in the New York Times today about a video statement put out by Judge Esther Salas, whose son was shot dead and her husband wounded by the self-described antifeminist attorney Roy Den Hollander in what appears to have been a botched hit job targeting her. It’s a heartbreaking story, as Salas recounts the events that shattered her life that awful Sunday two weeks ago.


Incels agree: Lesbians and asexual women don’t exist — because all women are Chadsexuals

Women only turn to other women for sex if there are no Chads around, allegedly

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By David Futrelle

Attention asexual ladies and lesbians! It looks like the incels have figured out your dirty little sex secret, which is that you don’t exist. No matter how you define your sexuality you are actually Chadsexual — able, willing, and eager to have sex with any Chad that comes your way, even if you pretend to like only women or to not like sex at all.


And now, some cat pics

Sweetie Pie Jonas reads up on coronavirus

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By David Futrelle

There has been a request for cat pics, so here are some cat pics. The grey tabby is Sweetie Pie Jonas; the fluffy black cat is Pantz. And yes, they do like to spend a lot of time atop bookcases.


Some vagina tips from a dude who knows less than zero about vaginas

A rare seven-vagina couch

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By David Futrelle

Hey, vagina-havers! If any of you are in need of some unsolicited advice about your vaginas and their proper upkeep, there;s a dude on the Standardcels subreddit who would be happy to help.

Well, maybe “happy” is the wrong word for it.


My Bulging Muscles Betray Me: The dubious wit and even dubiouser wisdom of Red Pill Duke

A well-built fellow who is not Red Pill Duke but who also likes to type

By David Futrelle

My new favorite Red Piller is Red Pill Duke, the not-so-humble proprietor of a blog called “Fight Club Theory” that purports to educate the masses on how to live one’s best bachelor life.


Today’s Episode of MGTOW Cooking brought to you by Acme Frozen Green Beans

Mmmmm! And they’re even better cooked!

By David Futrelle

It’s time once again to venture into the wondrous world of MGTOW cooking. All of the images below were posted to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit by proud MGTOW chefs. Look upon these marvelous culinary achievements and weep, ladies; these guys don’t need you evil harpies to feed them any more!


Incel Redditor: “Women were never meant to control their own reproduction”

I’m tearin’ down your brooder house
‘Cause now I’ve got the pill

By David Futrelle

So I’ve been poking around the BlackPillScience subreddit, where the regulars discuss the latest scientific research that proves ugly dudes have it harder than non-ugly dudes in life and love. And they do, to some extent, but then again there are plenty of ugly dudes who have great lives and get laid on a regular basis, “black pill” be damned.