Rudy Ferretti was known in the male-dominated retro gaming community as a champion gamer — and as a raging misogynist who ferociously harassed women. He once made a homebrew game in which the goal was to kill women.
Education secretary Betsy DeVos, in cahoots with MRAs
By David Futrelle
You may recall the outrage when, back in 2017, Education secretary Betsy “Ten Yachts” DeVos met with members of three fringe Men’s Rights groups — two of which have histories of collaboration with Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men — to hear their propaganda about the alleged epidemic of false rape accusations on America’s college campuses.
Today’s nuggets of vagina wisdom come courtesy of some dude who just tried to post this thing below on my blog. Apparently the vagina (and the female reproductive system in general) is some sort of sperm-powered locomotive.
A lot of what’s called “Red Pill Dating Strategy” is little more than abuse — mimicking the behavior of real-life skeezebags who employ assorted psychological tricks designed to keep their partners feeling desperate and insecure. It’s as if the Red Pillers read a rundown of toxic behavior in relationships and decided to use it as a to-do list.
I’m as happy as a capybara at a spa with a lemon on its head!
Big thanks to those who came through in the last couple of days with donations, and to everyone who donated during this pledge drive. (As well as to those of you who donate monthly and between pledge drives.)
We didn’t quite reach the goal I set for this pledge drive, but we came very very close. So I’m going to bring this extended pledge drive to a close. Though if you haven’t donated yet and want to get in on the action, the button below will take care of all your needs.
As I’ve said before, I love doing this blog (often despite the subject matter) and I’m glad you find it valuable in some ways, whether you’re keeping up with the current state of inceldom or simply enjoying some hearty MGTOW cooking. (Vicariously, I hope; those guys don’t seem to understand how to safely cook meat.)
Thanks again to all who donated — and all of you who give to this blog in non-financial ways, whether it’s sending me story tips, warning me about trolls in the comments, sharing posts on social media, or whatever else you may do. And thanks to those who keep the comments lively and informative.
“Teenagers” in love: Detail from cover of Teen-Age Romances
The PLEDGE DRIVE is almost over! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
It’s not a secret that incels are obsessed with underage girls and the allegedly pure joys of teenage sex. Now they seem to have collectively decided that any guy who doesn’t manage to have sex in high school has lost out on something so magical that he is essentially scarred for life; he might as well rope, as they like to put it.
I’m extending the pledge drive a few more days because, unfortunately, the donations so far have not been enough to cover my basic expenses much less the cost of some unfortunate but necessary dental work. We’re only about 2/3 of the way there yet.
You can donate by clicking the button below (even if you don’t have a PayPal account).
Many of you have already donated, some quite generously, and I am extremely grateful for your support (as I am for the support of you monthly donors). But if you haven’t donated yet, please do! I realize that some of you have been hit hard by the pandemic and can’t afford to give now. But if you’re doing ok and can possibly swing a donation, I sure would appreciate it.
You’ll be providing a lifeline for me and for this blog, a unique and independent media outlet that delivers (almost) daily coverage of some of the worst people out there in our current political hellscape. All without ads and hectoring popups.
As I’ve said before, I love doing this blog, and I’m grateful it’s connected with so many of you. I could not have kept We Hunted the Mammoth going for nearly ten years without your help, and I hope that with your continued support we can keep the blog running smoothly for many more years.
Actual real human woman (not video game character)
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
Angry gamers are somehow still up in arms about the body of the character Abby in The Last of Us 2. You may recall, back in April the angriest gamers — the perpetual Gamergaters — were outraged after a studio leak revealed that the character Abby would be returning in the sequel as a newly-buff fighter with notably jacked arms.