
Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulous convinces gullible MRAs he’s been hired as a Men’s Studies professor by Oberlin

Really? I better look it up.
Really? I better look it up.

Milo Yiannopoulous — the Gamergate icon and reactionary Breitbart “journalist” — has some exciting personal news to report. In a Breitbart post today, he proudly announced “I’ve just been appointed the first visiting professor of Men’s Studies at Oberlin College.”

You may be wondering why Oberlin college would hire a far-right hack journalist with no academic credentials to head up its new “Vladimir Putin Global Centre for Masculine Awesomeness”. And that’s because Oberlin didn’t. The post is an obvious, albeit gratingly unfunny, joke from Milo.

Don’t tell that to the folks in the Men’s Rights subreddit, who are convinced his appointment and the Putin Centre are totally legit.


Happy Marriage Equality Day!

You meow kiss the bride. The other bride.
You meow kiss the bride. The other bride.

We’re taking a day off from the regular nonsense to celebrate marriage equality, which is now a thing in all states here in the USA.


Open thread to discuss Charleston Church Shooting

Mourners outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Mourners outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday night

The news out of Charleston is horrifying: 9 people have been shot and killed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, including state senator Clementa Pinckney, the pastor at the church. As I write this, police are still looking for the suspected shooter, described as “a clean-shaven white male about 21-years-old with sandy blond hair.”

It seems rather likely that the shooting was a racist hate crime.

Please use this thread to discuss the news as well as to post any updates or additional information you find.

I know some commenters here have also been discussing another horrifying story in the news: On Tuesday, as reports, “a recently divorced … police officer shot and killed his former wife in broad daylight … in front of their daughter on an Asbury Park [New Jersey] street, authorities said.” Please use this thread to discuss this story as well.




Red Pill Redditors now straight-up advocating Nazi policies on women. As in “what literal Hitler literally did.”

Red Pill dream girl
Red Pill dream girl

Anyone who’s paid much attention to the growth of the “Red Pill” ideology in the manosphere is aware that many of the most fervent Red Pillers not only lean right politically, they lean so far right that they more or less look like this:


Posting will resume shortly. In the meantime, a cat

Beware! Take care!
Beware! Take care!

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple days. I’ve been bogged down dealing with some non-blog business, and will resume posting as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy this cat!


A MGTOWs lament: “The fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn’t live on this planet anymore.”

Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers
First, women had to take back the day: Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, in 1967, was attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers

So over on the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) subreddit, the regulars are discussing the various ways they’re oppressed by a Nike-sponsored women-only nighttime 10k run called “We Own the Night.” Basically, it’s Take Back the Night with running, and Nike.


Toronto police investigating PUA who posted video saying a woman should be “stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces”

Screenshot of what appears to be xsouldeath's Twitter account
Screenshot of what appears to be xsouldeath’s Twitter account

Well, this is pretty freaking disturbing. reports that

Toronto police are looking closely at video of a Toronto pick-up artist who filmed himself muttering about stabbing a girl who turned him down. … 

“She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t,” he says. “Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”

In a second clip, [“xsouldeath”] appears to try to purchase a knife from a grocery store.

After news of this began to spread, someone who described himself as


That ex-Reed College student who wouldn’t shut up about rape has been arrested for sexual abuse, harassment

True, in happier days
Jeremiah True, birds

Hey, remember that Reed College student who somehow got national attention for being booted from a class discussion section because he wouldn’t shut up about rape? The guy that right-wing news outlets — including The National Review and the New York Post — heralded as a martyr to free speech, even though it was clear to anyone who looked into the story even a little bit that the guy in question was a bit … off?

Well, Katie Baker at Buzzfeed now reports that Mr. True, now an ex-Reed College student, “was arrested on Thursday by the Portland, Oregon police for alleged sex abuse, harassment, and disorderly conduct” after, er, behaving inappropriately at a girls’ rugby game.

As Baker explains,

According to an employee at Rugby Oregon, a youth rugby organization based in Portland, True was arrested for disrupting a high school girls’ rugby practice. He was restrained by a coach who called the police, the employee said.

I wonder if the New York Post will be writing an editorial this time, like they did last time, demanding Congressional hearings and declaring that, well, whatever it was he was doing at the rugby game was a bold act of self-expression.


The Cuckunist Manifesto

A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad
A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad

This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!

Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.


Pat Robertson warns women: If you put ultrasound pics on Facebook, witches may curse your unborn child!


Sometimes I forget that there are other people in the world who say things as bizarrely retrograde as the douchebags I write about here.

Case in point: televangelist and veteran sayer-of-bizarrely-retrograde-things Pat Robertson. On The 700 Club Monday, Right Wing Watch reports,  Robertson answered a question from a woman who was worried, for some reason, about her daughter posting ultrasound pics on Facebook.

The kindly old preacher offered her yet another reason to worry: