The Purple Pill Debate subreddit is a strange little corner of the internet, a place where intrepid Blue Pillers try to logic Red Pillers into giving up their repugnant ideology, and vice versa.
The Purple Pill Debate subreddit is a strange little corner of the internet, a place where intrepid Blue Pillers try to logic Red Pillers into giving up their repugnant ideology, and vice versa.
Last night, a helpful Twitterer pointed me to a news story from a couple of years back about a rather obstreperous goat who climbed onto a roof and wouldn’t get down — a bit like those Fathers 4 Justice protesters who like to dress up like superheroes and climb up buildings and bridges and even, last November, Buckingham Palace.
Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, one of the stranger outposts in Reddit’s Red Pill empire, one aspiring alpha has a rather plaintive question about the proper etiquette when one is, er, making love with a woman who hates you.
Apparently the US media doesn’t really think it’s a big deal for a small army of heavily armed fanatics to take over government property in hopes of spurring some sort of armed revolution — if the armed fanatics in question are white guys.
Share information, insights, etc.
And, as you may already be aware, alt-right trolls are actively spreading misinformation about this standoff, so if you run across any of that please point it out here as well.
No trolls, MRAs, etc.
So this tweet happened:
Hmm. I hate to challenge Return of Kings’ legendary factcheckers, but they seem to have made a teensy little mistake here. Forbes actually thinks that the Star Wars “boycott” championed by assorted Internet reactionaries and racists didn’t cost Star Wars any money.
At least 14 people have been killed in a mass shooting at a center for people with developmental disabilities in San Bernardino, involving multiple shooters in combat gear and using assault weapons. Police say that two suspects have been killed, one man, one woman; a third suspect has been detained. As I write this it’s not clear who the attackers were, what motivated them.
Please post any relevant information you find in the comments below.
See here for ongoing coverage.
So last night I was skimming through the official Church of Satan Info Pack, like you do, and I made an interesting discovery. Alongside such standard Satany things as, you know, eugenics, vengeance, naked-lady altars, it turns out that the official Church of Satan position on sex robots is: Yes, please!
In fact, they’re so into it that it’s point number four in their “five point plan to move society in directions that are considered to be beneficial to Satanists.”
Here’s a question that would seem to have a simple, obvious answer: When is it ok to describe an alleged multiple murderer with a history of violence as a “gentle” man?
The correct answer is of course “never,” but the New York Times managed to get this question wrong in a profile of alleged Planned Parenthood killer Robert Lewis Dear over the weekend.
The right-wing distraction machine has shifted into high gear. Now Republican presidential wannabe Ted Cruz is seizing on the bizarre notion, advanced by fringy right-wing ideologues, that the alleged Planned Parenthood shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, is a trans woman.
And he’s doing so as a way to distract from the increasing evidence that Dear’s terrorist assault on a Planned Parenthood clinic might just possibly have something to do with abortion.
UPDATE: The shooter has been captured.
UPDATE 2: Three people were killed in the shooting, officials say, one police officer and two civilians