
Memeday: Straw Feminists Confused About Everything Edition

Uh, MRA meme-makers, I don't think that's how equality works.
Uh, MRA meme-makers, I don’t think that’s how equality works.

Men’s Rights Activists learned a long time ago that the easiest way to win an argument with someone is by playing the old straw man game, ignoring what they actually believe and instead pretending that they believe something much less defensible — and much easier to rebut.


Davis Aurini’s not-version of Not The Sarkeesian Effect is out!

Woah! I wasn’t expecting this, but here it is. I have not yet watched it. But I imagine I will have some further thoughts when I do, because, holy crap, it’s Davis Aurini’s version of the Sarkeesian Effect!

Sorry, I mean, his version of a, no, wait, it’s not a version of anything, it’s his “separate independent work that should not be considered a ‘version’ of The Sarkeesian Effect or derivative of it,” as a title card in the “film” explains,

Even though it’s, you know, about Anita Sarkeesian and her “effect,” and even though it uses “footage originally filmed for use in The Sarkeesian Effect.”

That’s Aurini’s story and he’s sticking with it.

Anyway, I’m opening up a bag of popcorn and watching it. Join me, will you?

EDIT: Ok, I’m thirty seconds in and already tacky as hell graphics and badly recorded voiceover! This is gong to be good. By which I mean terrible.

EDIT 2: Ok, it’s not quite 4 minutes in and I’m getting bored. Damn. That’s what happened with that other totally unrelated film too.



Full STEM ahead with some TOTALLY LOGICAL Men’s RIghts memes

You may soon be asking this question yourself
You may soon be asking this question yourself

We’re still running a meme surplus in the We Hunted the Mammoth offices, so I’m going to drop a few more on you today. Enjoy the FLAWLESS STEM LOGIC and KEEN GRASP OF REALITY displayed in the following memes, gathered from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I’ve lightly censored a couple of them.


I’m taking a couple of days off. In the meantime, vintage sexist ads!

Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings
Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings

I‘m taking a couple of days off from the blog (it’s been a while). As a sort of parting gift, some insufferably patronizing vintage sexist ads. Feel free to discuss, or to just use this as an open thread.


Open thread for discussion of Jian Ghomeshi acquittal

Jian Ghomeshi
Jian Ghomeshi

Today, as CBCNews reports:

Jian Ghomeshi has been acquitted on four counts of sexual assault and one count of choking by an Ontario Court judge who says the “deceptive and manipulative” evidence of the complainants raised a reasonable doubt in the guilt of the former CBC Radio host.

Share your thoughts below. This thread is a NO TROLL/NO MRA etc thread.


Open thread for discussion of Brussels bombings

The aftermath at the Brussels airport
The aftermath at the Brussels airport

UPDATED 5:36 AM central

There have been a series of bombings in Brussels, at the Brussels airport and one or more Metro stations. As I write this, different media outlets are reporting different numbers of those killed in the attacks, with figures ranging from 13 to 23.

Horrific. My heart goes out to all WHTM readers in Belgium; I hope you and yours are all safe.

Please post links to any useful information you find in the comments below.

This is a thread for the WHTM community (and others who are broadly sympathetic to feminism and this blog); MRAs and trolls will be banned.


Notes from a Triggerer: “Brutalizing women for not covering themselves” is a “methodology” that works

Human beings don't actually work like steam whistles
Human beings don’t actually work like steam whistles

My recent posts on #TheTriggering drew more than a few Triggerers to We Hunted the Mammoth, and to the comments here. I let most of the comments the Triggerers posted through moderation, in part just to show how ridiculous they were. But there were some others I didn’t let through, for an assortment of reasons.

But I do think it’s worth talking about some of the horrendous stuff that online abuse campaigns like #TheTriggering stir up.


Tired of #TheTriggering? Here are 5 much better ways to waste your time

Bored now
Bored now

Shortly after I posted my previous post on #TheTriggering — my take on the celebration of edge-lord obnoxiousness taking place today on Twitter  — I got into a weird argument with one Twitterer who essentially ended up suggesting that my post on the subject was bad because #TheTriggering itself was less interesting than things like “10-hour can kicking marathons” and “watching dust collect.”

off topic Uncategorized

The mysterious yet also disgusting enigma of that …THING on Ted Cruz’s lip

Trust me, you don’t want to see what’s under that black dot.

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

This is a bit off-topic, I know, but I can’t help myself. Like everyone else who pays even the slightest attention to American politics, or at least that last Republican debate, I am both mystified and disgusted by that … thing … that appeared on Ted Cruz’s upper lip, then transferred itself to his lower lip, and ultimately into his mouth.


The 19 Dumbest Reasons #WhyWomenShouldNotVote, featuring Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie

Wait, so the cat is supposed to be against women’s suffrage too?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Several weeks ago, antifeminist attention-seeker and Twitter scofflaw Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known under her aliases Janet Bloomfield and JudgyBitch —  launched a crusade of sorts against female suffrage.