
“Peaceful” Neo-Nazis boast that they stabbed the most people at a rally that turned violent Sunday

Matthew Heimbach sees today as a big win for the far right
Matthew Heimbach sees today as a big win for the far right

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!

The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.


10 injured, 5-7 stabbed at Neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento; group behind rally led by Trump superfan Matthew Heimbach

Neo-Nazis before the rally
Neo-Nazis before the rally

The Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send some bucks my way!  Thanks!

Violent clashes broke out between neo-Nazis and protesters at a rally in Sacramento today organized by the Traditionalist Worker Party, a group headed by Matthew Heimbach. Seven people have reportedly been hospitalized with stab wounds.


#Brexit disaster: A great night for Anime Nazis, Trump fans, and dudes who say “cuck” a lot

"Leave" spokesmodel Nigel Farage is happy, or something
“Leave” spokesmodel Nigel Farage is happy, or something

Well, this is a bit of a shock. The UK has voted to leave the EU — a victory for the forces of racism and unreason that could mean disaster for the UK economy and the EU as a whole. The pound is crashing; markets are poised to plunge.


Davis Aurini: Teen girls get “tingles” from the bloody blades of “third-world savages”

Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!
Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!

These are strange times indeed in the imaginary world inside Davis Aurini’s bald head.

Last week, the failed filmmaker and white nationalist (on paper) posted a response, of sorts, to the Orlando massacre that tells us very little about the tragic event itself — but quite a bit about Davis Aurini, including his exceedingly creepy thoughts on the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.


Return of Kings writer yearns for an apocalypse that will put ladies in their place

Watch out, gals -- or this could happen to you!
Watch out, gals — or this could happen to you!

The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.


Far Right, Trump fans celebrate murder of UK Labour MP Jo Cox

Jo Cox, RIP
Jo Cox, RIP

Earlier today, British politician Jo Cox — a Labour party member of Parliament — was brutally murdered during a meeting with constituents.


Today’s Memeday has been pre-empted by cats

Please be seated and we can begin
Please be seated and we can begin

After that last post I figure we all could probably use some cats. I certainly could.

So here are some cats behaving just a little bit suspiciously.


Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff, 5/16 Triumphant Hedgehog Edition


A long overdue Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff. (There’s also one for personal stuff.)

As always, no trolls or MRAs. Let me know if any show up.


SocialAutopsy-Turvy: Candace Owens’ Twitter Trainwreck, Part One

Only this cat can Tweet more furiously than Candace Owens
Only this cat can Tweet more furiously than Candace Owens

Last week, I wrote about Candace Owens, the founder of a would-be anti-bullying startup called Social Autopsy, and her strange descent into GamerGate-style conspiracy-mongering after prime GG target Zoe Quinn contacted her to point out how her startup’s strategy of doxxing alleged bullies could backfire in a big way.


Prince, RIP: Open Thread

Goodnight, sweet Prince
Goodnight, sweet Prince

Prince has died, at the age of 57. So sad.

Very few details as yet.

Discuss, remember, pay tribute. No trolls,.