
Open Thread to discuss all things Trump, I mean holy crap

Have at it, folks. No Trump fans, etc.


Under the weather

Back to bed

I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so posts may be a bit light for the next few days, though I will do my best to get some Resist Trump Every Day posts up, because Trunp.


Open Thread for Personal Stuff, 12/16 Edition

Hug it out

A rather belated Open Thread for Personal Stuff. As always, no trolls, MRAs etc in these threads. Email me if someone starts acting obnoxious.


Did Trump kill Castro with the sheer overwhelming power of his manliness?

Did Trump get the last laugh on Fidel Castro?
Did Trump get the last laugh on Fidel Castro?

Fidel Castro survived innumerable assassination attempts over the years, the most infamous being the CIA’s attempt to take him out with an exploding cigar. He died last week, at the age of 90, after a long fight against a debilitating illness.

But was it really the combination of age and illness that killed him? Or was it Donald Trump?

bears open thread Uncategorized

Open thread for personal stuff: Autumn of our discontent edition

Literal bear hug!
Literal bear hug!

Hey! It’s a long-overdue open thread for personal stuff! Post away. No trolls, Trump fans, MRAs. Email me if things get weird.


ONE DAY LEFT, so here’s an accordion army playing The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown Party comes to an end today. Rest up for the big day tomorrow!

In the meantime, here’s a cat going for a walk.


Two days, or KAZOO days? The Final Countdown Video Party hums along

Two days left! In celebration of the impending arrival of election day, here are some kazoo-based covers of The Final Countdown. There are rather a lot of them on YouTube, if you wish to explore this micro-genre further.


Three days left, and the Final Countdown Video Party is overrun by tubas and pugs

We’re only three days away from the big day. Probably a good idea to turn off the news and play videogames, or watch creepy old episodes of Space 1999 or something.


Four Days: The Final Countdown Video Party goes metal

Four days left to election day. Today’s cover version of The Final Countdown is METAL AS HELL, if by “metal” you mean “the lead guitarist apparently thinks he’s so cool he doesn’t have to hit any of the notes at the correct time.”


Red Jerry on comic book “feminests” — the greatest bizarre email of all time (this week)?

Fan mail from some flounder?

Into each inbox some bizarre emails must fall.

Yesterday, it was apparently Rian Sygh and his email inbox’s turn. Sygh, an illustrator and comics artist, found himself the recipient of one of the most entertainingly bizarre proposals I’ve ever seen, from a self-professed “ally” called Red Jerry with some advice on how