
The Daily Stormer notices the profile of me in the New York Times, declares victory

Woody Guthrie’s true successor

By David Futrelle

Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”


Where did those ads go? A happy announcement!

Ads, begone! Well, some of them.

Eagle-eyed readers — at least those who don’t use adblock — may notice something a little different about We Hunted the Mammoth today. Those giant banner ads that used to sit atop the page are gone! As are the ones following the posts. Indeed, all the Taboola ads are gone from the site.

alt-right antifeminism beta males chad thundercock evil moms gynocracy irony alert Islamophobia lazy women eating bon bons men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny Uncategorized

MGTOWs: Ban Mother’s Day because women are the rectum of civilization

Happy Mom Jeans Day to all my MGTOW readers!

So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.


Art it up! Open thread


So hey there readers! I know a lot of you do art, and sometimes post it in the comments, so why not an open thread where you can post it to your heart’s content.

Also I thought maybe we could talk a bit about the hardware and software and other resources/websites you all use and/or recommend for doing digital graphics and art.


Happy “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day!

Seems rather SEXIST if you ask me

Every year, on the same day as #InternationalWomensDay, men and even a few women around the world celebrate “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day! Let’s check in on some of the festivities already underway on Twitter!


I’m back! (Well, mostly.) Also, Kellyanne Conway did a thing.


I‘m back from the depths of flu-dom and ready to take on the world, or at least some of its most terrible and ridiculous aspects. I’m not quite at full strength yet, so posting may be a bit light for a few more days. But the flu is definitely on the way out. Thanks for your patience and support!


Terrible people celebrate Sessions confirmation with racism, gloating, more racism

From Occidental Dissent. Yes, that is Jeff Sessions’ head photoshopped onto the body of a confederate general. Which they think is a good thing.

Huh. I wonder what the internet’s worst people are saying about the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for Attorney General.

Let’s go to Twitter and look!


Impoverished Filipina prostitutes have it easy, MGTOW explains

Couldn’t have said it better myself

So today’s object lesson in obliviousness comes, as it so often does, from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

The regulars there are discussing the important topic “Women are worse than a backyard full of cackling hens,” and one of the fellas pipes up with this, er, observation.

penisassociate 12 points 4 hours ago*  Whatever they do is pathetic. When they have it good, objectively speaking, they complain. When they have it really bad, objectively speaking, they get on their knees to suck cock. Go to third world countries and watch the women there. I was in the Philippines in a rather poor area. At every corner there was a woman looking for an easy way out. Grabbing at the cock. Trying to sell their pussy. My guide said these were not even prostitutes. Just women desperate for an easy way out. Being the MGTOW that I am, I made it a point to look around and sure enough at every place there was a man doing an honest day's work. I for instance overpaid a man in the thousands for some street food he was selling next to a whore of a woman who did nothing but try to sell her pussy. At no point do I ever think I've seen a woman do an honest day's work. It's just the diarrhea of the mouth and easy ways out.

MGTOW dudes, I don’t know if you know this, but men do sex work too. I recommend you take it up for a week and see how “easy” it is.


#ResistTrump by calling Repubs who could change their vote on DeVos NOW

Stop this woman!

So the Betsy DeVos vote could be imminent, and it looks like we have a chance to block her. Here are the critical Repubs to call to try to switch their votes to “nos.” Call if these are your Senators, maybe even call if they aren’t (but in the latter case don’t lie about it).


“The Red Pill” documentary wins prestigious “World’s Greatest Grandpa” award

“Red Pill” star Paul Elam: Not actually the world’s greatest grandpa

Good news everyone! The Red Pill, director Cassie Jaye’s completely objective documentary about Men’s Rights Activists that was funded in part by these very same Men’s Rights Activists as well as by a guy best known for convincing a large number of voters in the final days of the last US presidential election that Hillary Clinton was so sick she could pretty much die any minute, and with the help of a right-wing celebrity “journalist” who was later thrown off Twitter for his role in a racist harassment campaign against comedian Leslie Jones, and … wait, let me start this sentence again.