
I read this incel “field report” and now you have to, too

By David Futrelle

On the forums, a fellow called jerrycan dan reports on a recent date with, er, his own hand.

Brace yourself. It’s NSFW, and probably not safe for your stomach either.


Where I’ve been

Lower back pain is a pain in the neck

Hey there. Just a quick note to let you know where I’ve been the last several days.


Amazon is promoting “racial hate crimes” with a new show featuring Nazi hunters as the heroes, professional mad guy One Angry Gamer declares

Just a group of white men enjoying a stroll

By David Futrelle

The video game reviewer who calls himself One Angry Gamer — real name Billy — gets angry about all sorts of things. Sometimes he directs his ire at what he sees as unforgivable technical flaws in games.


Confusing MGTOW meme of the day: Lion feminist

By David Futrelle

Found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:


Wars are caused by men’s love of lady booty, declares Sandman the YouTube MGTOW

The boot(y) of all evil?

By David Futrelle

Why do human beings go to war against one another? It’s a question that’s been around as long as civilization itself, and perhaps longer. Happily, we now have an answer, and it comes from YouTube: According to Sandman, a popular MGTOW YouTuber, it’s all about men’s love of female butts — and the desire not to get nagged by the women attached to these butts. And also men’s desire to rape women from other countries. And then there’s something about killer robots.


Dude insists his love of anime girls is a legit sexual orientation

I doubt his love is reciprocated

By David Futrelle

Unable or unwilling to deal with real-life women, more than a few misogynists have turned to imaginary substitutes — from video game hotties to hypnogogic hallucinations they think are succubi.


What to do if your date brings up Bitcoin: A guide for ladies

If your date mentions Bitcoin, puff up your shoulders to appear larger and more threatening.

By David Futrelle

A couple of days ago, ProPublica reporter Jessica Huseman tweeted out some advice on a hitherto unacknowledged peril of dating for (at least mostly) straight women in our digital age: when the seemingly normal dude you’re having coffee with suddenly, and for seemingly no reason, brings up Bitcoin.

capybaras open thread Uncategorized

Capybara Pool Party Open Thread

Some commenters were asking for an open thread, so here you go! No trolls.


A Voice for Men just cancelled its upcoming conference because crackpot antifeminist Bettina Arndt might say mean things about it [UPDATED]

Bettina: She aren’t havin’ it

UPDATE: The conference has now been un-cancelled. See end of post for details.

By David Futrelle

I wouldn’t exactly call this a profile in courage. Paul Elam of Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men just announced that he was cancelling his group’s upcoming conference in Australia because he’s afraid that crackpot Aussie antifeminist Bettina Arndt — a former ally of his — might say mean things about it.



MRAs are terrified that women are becoming somewhat less underrepresented in management

By David Futrelle

There’s a famous study (cited here) that suggests both men and women dramatically overestimate the amount that women talk, at least in situations where both men and women speak: in one conversation examined for the study, twice as many men than women spoke — but participants in the conversation were convinced that more women than men had spoken.