
Creepy dudes catcalling 14-year-old girls is really no big deal because alligators

By David Futrelle

Here’s an interesting little exchange on Tumblr between a woman discussing how common it is for creepy older dudes to catcall girls in their early teens and another woman who thinks it’s no big deal. Because it doesn’t involve alligators.

No, really.


99 Men’s Rights Redditors agree: “Femtards” don’t appreciate how much we love women

Not these particular women, though

By David Futrelle

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating women — or at least that small portion of women who are willing to date Men’s Rights activists.


Incel wounds three in Arizona mass shooting; incels call “false flag” and claim they’re being persecuted like Jews in Nazi Germany

By David Futrelle

On Wednesday evening, a 20-year old construction worker drove to the Westgate Entertainment Center, near Phoenix Arizona, a popular spot for shoppers and diners that had only just been reopened to the public after the state’s quarantine restrictions were lifted. He was armed with an AR-15 rifle.


The Wit and Wisdom of DangZagnut: MGTOW poet, philosopher, dingus

By David Futrelle

My favorite MGTOW Redditor has to be the prolific and pungent fellow who calls himself DangZagnut. I’ve quoted him many times in posts over the years, on subjects ranging from burning down your ex’s house (he was in favor of this) to Millennial men’s alleged love of, er, “licking the chunks out” of “used pussy.” He also once suggested, with his typical bluntness, that the average woman was basically “a fleshlight that complains a lot.”


Young Red Piller thinks he’s found the girl of his dreams … until he discovers that she once used a vibrator

Note: If your vibrator moves like this, it’s probably broken

By David Futrelle

It‘s amazing what the so-called “Red Pill” can do to some guys’ brains. Consider the case of one myrenaissance, an aspiring pickup artist who recently came to the Red Pill subreddit with his tale of woe: he had found what he thought was his ideal woman, his perfect “unicorn” — until he uncovered her secret flaw.


Professional transphobe Graham Linehan has decided that Gamergate wasn’t really all bad, if you think about it

Linehan: “I’ve got a lot of revised feelings about Gamergate”

By David Futrelle

So Graham Linehan — the fomer comedy writer turned humorless transphobe — is having some second thoughts about Gamergate, and he wants the world to know all about them.


Is Abby from The Last of Us 2 oppressing women with her muscular arms and small tits? One Reddit gamer says yes

By David Futrelle

Last week I wrote about the wave of transphobia that followed the leaks that revealed one of the new characters in the upcoming postapocalyptic survival game The Last of Us 2 would be the woman above, a buff, butch badass named Abby who is apparently very effective at beating other characters up.

bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about homophobia lgbt men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit Uncategorized

Women are mean to gay men in order to keep their own men from going gay, confused Men’s Rights Redditor explains

Could you run that by me again?

By David Futrelle

Try to make head or tail of this one, folks!


PewDiePie is destroying feminism with the word “simp,” MGTOW Redditor contends

Uh oh, feminism is in trouble now!

By David Futrelle

Remember when “cuck” was the favorite insult of every internet edgelord? Now another old insult has become a new favorite: the word “simp,” which has crossed over from incels and MGTOWs into the wider vernacular, proving more popular than “cuck” ever was.


Right-wing baby men are struggling to stir up outrage over a new Nissan ad starring Brie Larson

Brie Larson, inspiring internet baby men to performatively soil their diapers

By David Futrelle

So there’s a new Nissan ad featuring Brie Larson, and the internet’s biggest babies want you to think that they’re OUTRAGED.