
Asking the important questions (about penises) on Incels dot co

Why can’t you exercise your WHAT?

By David Futrelle

Say what you will about incels, but only they have the courage (if that’s what it is) to ask the really dumb questions about penises. Like Guinness Book of World Records dumb. Like “can you exercise your dick to make it bigger” dumb.


Men in dresses surprisingly popular among those who regularly attack trans women as men in dresses

By David Futrelle

It can be hard to date when your hate gets in the way — and even more so when the people you’re most attracted to turn out to be the very same people you spend your life hating the most.


QUIZ: Which of these quotes came from the MGTOW subreddit, and which from the Daily Stormer?

A new, improved logo for Men Going Their Own Way?

By David Futrelle

Pop quiz! Your instructions are simple: Just tell me which of the following quotes came from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and which from articles or comments on The Daily Stormer. (You can click on the “source” links to see them in their original contexts, though that will tend to give away the answers.)


Police riots and Dictator Don: Open thread

Police are rioting, coast to coast, functioning not as protectors of the peace but as counterdemonstrators trying to beat down, often quite literally, those who would rein them in. Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to sic the military on demonstrators, a good percentage of us are living under curfew, and it’s really starting to seem, as Don Lemon of all people noted on CNN, like “we are teetering on the brink of dictatorship.”


Police brutality makes women wet, alleges man who’s never made a woman wet

Please ignore this woman actually protesting police brutality

By David Futrelle

One inventive incel thinks he has this whole police brutality thing figured out: it’s all the fault of feminism, and women in general, because women think brutality is just so, so sexy.


“Everyone who called the cops ‘murderers’ has blood on their hands,” and other bon mots from Stefan Molyneux, MA

Mr Molyneux, saying something racist, probably

By David Futrelle

The protests over the police murder of George Floyd have gotten YouTube “philsopher” Stefan Molyneux all excited, in part because they have given him a fresh excuse to indulge in one of his favorite hobbies, racism.


Just another lazy Saturday on the Semen Retention subreddit

By David Futrelle

Fellow penis-havers and potential semen retainers! The resaon you find it so difficult to refrain from cranking your hog is *checks notes* WITCHES!


Incels: White women are only involved in the George Floyd protests to “catch the eye of some looting Tyrones”

Slogans … or pickup lines?

By David Futrelle

The reaction among incels to the police killing of George Floyd and the protests that have followed has been, to put it very charitably, mixed.


Men’s Rights Redditors have literally nothing to say about George Floyd

By David Futrelle

Sometimes what one says is less important than what one doesn’t say.

I visited the Men’s Rights subreddit today to see what the regulars there were saying about the police killing of George Floyd. Turns out they were saying nothing, nothing at all.

open thread racism Uncategorized

The Killing of George Floyd: Open Thread

A thread to discuss the police killing of George Floyd and the protests that have arisen in the wake of his death. No trolls.