By David Futrelle
Incels, deeply insecure narcissists all, are always convinced that they suffer more than anyone else on earth. So naturally they excel at coming up with reasons why the coronavirus somehow affects them the most.
By David Futrelle
Incels, deeply insecure narcissists all, are always convinced that they suffer more than anyone else on earth. So naturally they excel at coming up with reasons why the coronavirus somehow affects them the most.
By David Futrelle
You’ve all heard of “white genocide,” I presume — that racist conspiracy theory claiming that evil “cultural marxists” are trying to genocide the white race by encouraging whites to miscegenate white genes away until, several centuries down the line, everyone on earth is the same shade of tan?
By David Futrelle
The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is filled with a lot of discussion that go something like this:
By David Futrelle
On the Incels.me forums, a bunch of the regulars recently had a little debate over slavery. Not whether or not the enslavement of women (or blacks, or whoever) is morally wrong; they didn’t care. No, the main question on the table was why men haven’t already enslaved women, given what a great idea it is.