4chan 8chan irony alert memes npc sockpuppetry transphobia TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Trolls launch campaign to prove that SJWs are a bunch of fake “Non-Player Characters” by … creating fake NPC accounts

What are you even doing, guys?

By David Futrelle

As I noted the other day, the big thing among right-wing shitposters at the moment is the “NPC” meme — an attempt to insult and dehumanize so-called Social Justice Warriors by declaring them to be, in effect, a bunch of “Non-Player Characters” who respond to everything right-wingers say with a few meaningless catchphrases, much like NPCs in video games.

4chan alt-lite alt-right cuck culty empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gender policing memes soyboys twitter

Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at soyboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords

Triggering the soyboy libt*rd cucks by calling them NPCs (Detail from meme found on Reddit)

By David Futrelle

Alt-right trolls have a new insult: NPC, a sort of all-purpose replacement for formerly ubiquitous anti-SJW putdowns like “cuck” and “soyboy,” suggesting that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a mindless, even soulless, robot, akin to a videogame Non-Player Character who can only respond to stimulus with a small number of preprogrammed lines of dialogue.

brett kavanaugh creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture sexual assault Stefan Molyneux trump twitter

The No-Empathy Gang: Right-wingers react to Christine Blasey Ford’s heartbreaking testimony

Don Jr: All the empathy of a brick

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butts creepy empathy deficit entitled babies facepalm men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture sexual assault sexual harassment twitter

Tweet of the Day: Women not wanting to be slapped on the ass is “identity politics BS” at its worst


It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you’ve donated already, THANKS! If you haven’t, and you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks again!

bad anatomy creepy cringe Dunning–Kruger effect evil sex-having women mansplaining men who should not ever be with chickens ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter

“The greatest value a woman has to offer a man is her sexuality, and eggs,” Twitter weirdo explains

The sexiest woman who ever existed, according to SCIENCE

By David Futrelle

Three guys are hanging out on a stoop when a young woman walks by.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil sex-having women facepalm incels loose vaginas men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-own sex dolls slut shaming TROOOOLLLL? twitter vaginas

My Normal Partner Who Shares My Opinion on Sluts: An incel self-own for the ages

Normal as hell

By David Futrelle

Today, a Twitter self-own so perfect, so pure, that it may well bring a tear to your eye.

#gamergate mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever reddit toxic masculinity twitter

After video game tournament shooting, Reddit gamers are turning their anger towards … game journalists

Another day, another mass shooting in the US

By David Futrelle

After a man identified by witnesses as a participant in a Madden video game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida opened fire on fellow gamers, killing several and wounding numerous others before turning his gun on himself, some of the regulars in the Kotaku in Action subreddit are directing their anger at one of their favorite targets — game journalists, who these Redditors are accusing in advance of blaming the shootings on violent video games and game culture.

announcements mastodon twitter

Check out Mastodon, the slightly clunky but much friendlier Twitter alternative

Mastodons: Not as cool as mammoths, but pretty ok

By David Futrelle

Today, I’m taking time out from the regular manosphere horribleness to recommend something nice.

doggoes jordan "slappy" peterson misogyny PUA twitter

Worst. Pickup. Line. Ever. (Courtesy of Jordan Peterson)


By David Futrelle

Well, this little joke went over well on Twitter so I thought I’d post it here too.

entitled babies evil sex-having women incel ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit twitter

Incels lose it (even more so than usual) after woman jokes about the “aborted girlfriend” meme


By David Futrelle 

Incels aren’t really very good at the whole “humor” thing. Last week, I wrote about the “Imaginary Girlfriend” meme in which an earnest stick-figure woman declares that if she hadn’t been aborted she could have grown up to be every incel’s dream girl. “Sorry I couldn’t be there for you,” she says. “But my mom had other plans … would have liked to have a lot of kids with you.”