alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism literal nazis trump twitter

The Daily Stormer hails Trump’s latest apparent Twitter wink to his neo-Nazi fanboys

Not subtle, dude, not subtle at all
Not subtle, dude, not subtle at all

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Donald Trump is known for his repeated “accidental” retweets of white supremacists, including one fellow with the lovely Twitter handle @WhiteGenocideTM.

4chan 8chan alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies homophobia ironic nazis literal nazis racism rape jokes twitter

Trumplords celebrate the Donald’s big victory by yelling about “cucks” on Twitter

Trump celebrates his win
Trump celebrates his win

With Trump now the inevitable Republican nominee, in the wake of his big victory in Indiana, the Anime Nazis and sh*tlords and Milo Yiannopoulos fanboys who are some of Trump’s biggest supporters have taken to Twitter to … yell about cucks.

antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs harassment hate speech irony alert judgybitch literal nazis misogynoir misogyny MRA racism threats trump twitter

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, banned from Twitter for abuse, insists: I meant to do that!

Andrea Hardie: Definitely not "Becky with the good hair."
Andrea Hardie: Definitely not “Becky with the good hair.”

Last week, semi-professional internet instigator Andrea Hardie treated the world to a rather spectacular Twitter flameout, in which she hurled racist abuse against Beyonce’s allegedly “feral” and “animalistic” fans, and threatened to murder several of them, telling one that “I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car.”

#gamergate 4chan cuck entitled babies ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism twitter

You’ve heard of “Cuckservatives?” Make way for “Cucknadians”

Oh, Cucknada!
Oh, Cucknada!

Language is a living thing. New words are invented every day. Most never make it into the dictionary and fade out once their novelty wears off; a few are embraced by the public and become part of the language. Meanwhile, archaic words drop out of usage and are forgotten by everyone but those who read dictionaries for fun.

#gamergate #NotYourShield anti-Semitism entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia militias milo misogyny oppressed white men racism straw futrelle TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

Milo’s fans descend on my Twitter mentions with their #NotYourShields on full power

Milo Yiannopoulos having a vidion of Donald Trump descend from heaven
Milo Yiannopoulos having a vision of Donald Trump

So yesterday, I wrote a post about Trump supporters who are talking about bringing guns to rallies and polling places — and some who are even talking about starting up what would amount to an unofficial Trump militia.

anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women empathy deficit entitled babies hate speech irony alert literal nazis misogyny racism transphobia trigger warning TROOOLLLL!! twitter

#TheTriggering grows ever more surreal as internet jerkwads run out of jerky things to say

Dude, you've got an apple in front of your face, like right there
Dude, you’ve got an apple in front of your face, like right there

So I girded my loins, caffeined myself up, put on some really peppy music and waded back into the swamp that is #TheTriggering — the Twitter hashtag designed to give the internet’s biggest jerks an excuse to be even more jerky than usual.

#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA trigger warning twitter

The Top Ten Things I Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far)

Well, at least they're TRYING
Well, at least they’re trying

Today is the day of the Twitter tantrum known as #TheTriggering, a contrived hashtag in which the Internet’s biggest jerks have decided to post crap that is slightly more jerky than the crap they usually post.

#gamergate 4chan anti-Semitism ironic nazis literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism rape culture rape jokes sarkeesian! TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

Donald Trump continues to kill it in the Anime/Nazi fanboy demographic

Not Pictured: Hitler
Not Pictured: Hitler

So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?

antifeminism concern troll harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert misogyny racism threats TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Just Another Day on Twitter: Horse-Obsessed Concern Troll Edition

Type type type
Type type type

In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.

a voice for men antifeminism bullying Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies gross incompetence hypocrisy imaginary backwards land internet tough guy irony alert lying liars mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats playing the victim post contains jokes post contains sarcasm projection rape rape culture the c-word twitter

Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay fights “rape hysteria,” “snotty c**ts,” “c**ty t**ts”

Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a "hatemongering bigot" or a "bigoted hatemonger."
Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a “hatemongering bigot” or a “bigoted hatemonger.”

So it’s been a while since I checked in on the heroic Twitter activism of the legendary Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay, formerly the Number Two at A Voice for Men, currently either the “Online Activism Director” or the “online outreach director” for the National Coalition For Men — the first according to him, the second according to the NCFM.