anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual harassment twitter

Idiots, douchebags and idiotic douchebags defend Bill O’Reilly on Twitter

Bill O: He will be missed. By assholes.

As every single person on your Twitter timeline has no doubt informed you by now, the execrable Bill O’Reilly is finally — finally! — out at Fox News. Not everyone is happy with this development.

advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cerno entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter white supremacy

Alt-Right dinguses really very excited that one of them punched a woman in the face

Defenders of Ee Ech in Berkeley

So there was a bit of a battle in Berkeley on Saturday between a motley crew of alt-rightists who wanted to give some speeches and a bunch of anti-fascist (antifas) who didn’t want them to.

Things got a bit, well, heated, with the alt-right anti-antifas going on a bit of a rampage.

alt-right anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies immigrants Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism twitter white supremacy

White people! Save your race by becoming “loud, fertile xenophobes,” loud xenophobe urges

Saving the race, one baby Hitler at a time

Pale Hominid is the very model of the modern Twitter Nazi.

#ResistTrump actual activism cluelessness entitled babies trump twitter

The Trump regime is going off the rails. But Trump trolls insist he’s still #WINNING

The Trump Administration (Artist’s conception)

Today might not have been the worst day for the Trump regime, but it was definitely the most embarrassing. Watching Angela Merkel’s face as Trump blathered on about imaginary wiretaps at their joint appearance today was just painful. The world is laughing at us.

"ethics" alt-right anti-Semitism cuck irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever trump twitter

Mike Flynn’s fall, as told in tweets with the word “cuck” in them

Mike Flynn: Cuck, or cuckity cuck cuck? Trump fans can’t agree

There are a lot of questions still swirling about former National Security Advisor and current unemployed person Michael Flynn.

But there is one question we can answer right now, and that is how people who use the word “cuck” a lot on Twitter have reacted to Flynn’s resignation.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse homophobia irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reactionary bullshit trump twitter

Complete idiots respond to the #WomensMarch on Twitter

Trump’s worst nightmare?

You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.

The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:

alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism cerno cuck daily stormer entitled babies infighting irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever milo post contains sarcasm racism trump twitter

Deplora-LOL: Alt-Right Nazis turn on former ally Mike Cernovich, decent people rejoice

Mike Cernovich wants to PUMP you UP

Mike Cernovich is a Trump-loving, conspiracy-slinging alt-right fellow traveler with a nasty habit of smearing people he doesn’t like as pedophiles.

Now he’s become the target of a small army of trolls who have managed to pull off the difficult feat of being even more terrible than he is.

"ethics" alt-right antifeminism cuck entitled babies hillary clinton irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny none dare call it conspiracy persuasion racism red pill return of kings TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

#DraftOurDaughters: The Alt-Right’s new master (race) plan to defeat Hillary

Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone
Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone

So the Alt-Right and its fellow travelers have a brilliant new strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton — a hashtag (and assorted hashtag-related memes) intended to trick voters, especially women, into thinking that Hillary intends to draft women for an inevitable war with Russia.

Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies hillary clinton persuasion scott adams trump twitter

#Hillbullies: MasterPersuader Scott Adams discovers hashtag of doom for Hillary C

The MasterPersuader, persuading
The MasterPersuader, persuading

Watch out, Hillary Clinton! Dilbert creator and self-described master persuader Scott Adams has discovered the Twitter hashtag that will spell your doom!


alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women bullying comics cupcake douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter

Comics fanbullies refuse to believe comics fanbullies drove Mockingbird writer offline

Modified detail of cover art for Mockingbird #8

Yet another woman has been driven off Twitter by misogynistic fanboy bullies angry that she had invaded their putatively male turf. This time, the arena is comics, and the woman in question is writer Chelsea Cain, a bestselling novelist who brought her feminist sensibility to the Marvel comic book series Mockingbird, which recently came to an end after eight issues.