Matt Forney: The alt-right is “aiding and abetting sodomites who groom teenage boys”
By David Futrelle
White supremacist blogger Matt Forney certainly picked a dramatic way to announce he would no longer be affiliating with the alt-right. In a Facebookposting several days ago, which he subsequently deleted, Forney declared that the internet-enabled fascist movement had become “a coven for homosexual pedophiles.”
Underneath the mask, the alt-right is still the alt-right
Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Nazoid fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale has had some, well, interesting, if contradictory, responses to the carnage in Manchester. The one thing they all have in common? Utter moral bankruptcy.
John Oliver’s campaign for Net Neutrality is facing some interference
HAPPY UPDATE: Looks like this little bit of hashtag activism despicable trollish smearing has collapsed; the hashtag is pretty much dead as of now. (5/11/17, noonish Chicago time)
On last Sunday’s episode of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver once again rallied his fans to stand up for Net Neutrality, now under threat from the Trump administration, urging them to visit, a site that links directly to the FCC page for public comment on the proposed change.
In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).
I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?
I always feel a little sad when I learn that some actor or actress I like turns out to have terrible politics. I’m still recovering from my recent discovery that Mike Nelson of MST3K fame is a right winger who loves the Washington Times and Michael Medved. Michael Freaking Medved!! Maybe he really should be shot into space to watch bad films for all eternity.