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“Dudes too macho to wipe their asses” is apparently a thing

Cats are also absurdly hostile to toilet paper (but at least they do clean their butts on a regular basis)

By David Futrelle

I thought I’d take a moment this Friday evening to signal-boost a very important tweet from film producer Keith Calder on the subject of dudes so wrapped up in their own supposed machoness that they can’t “poop properly” or, even worse, clean up afterwards.

trump twitter

John McCain says no: Today in Tweets

Senator Bill Cassidy, would-be healthcare-stealing goblin

By David Futrelle

John McCain announces that he’s now a “no” vote on the Graham-Cassidy anti-healthcare bill, and gets hailed as a “hero,” proving that the  standards for “heroism” amongst Republican senators is pretty damn low. But if McCain is your senator, you should probably call to thank him for this minimal act of human decency.

trump twitter

Maria devastates Puerto Rico; Paul Manafort sends SEEKRIT CODE messages to Russians: Today in Tweets

Paul Manafort may not be smirking much longer

By David Futrelle

Today, two catastrophic natural disasters, and the ongoing unnatural disaster that is political life in the US today. Also, Liam Gallagher makes tea!

First, the devastation left behind by Maria in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

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Trump threatens to nuke N. Korea, GOP threatens to nuke healthcare. Also hurricanes: Today in Tweets

If they push that button / Your ass got to go!

By David Futrelle

In normal times, a president literally threatening to obliterate an entire country would be the lead story on every news outlet for weeks. But this is the age of Trump, so this alarming development has to compete, news-wise with: A GOP determined to take away health care from 20 million people, some dramatic developments in the investigation that could bring the nuke-talking president down. And then there are the hurricanes and earthquakes.

trump twitter

Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ dad’s jokes are a fireable offense: Today in Tweets

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, live from the 8th circle of Hell

By David Futrelle

Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants an ESPN commenter fired for having an opinion about Trump that she doesn’t like. Meanwhile, no one can stop her terrible father from making awful jokes on Twitter. Meanwhile, Apple introduces some new face recognition thingy.


Right in front of my Ted Cruz? Today in Tweets

Ted Cruz likes to watch

By David Futrelle

Welcome to a special early edition of Today in Tweets, because, OMG, Ted Cruz “liked” a porn video on Twitter. And not just any porn video: an incest porn video in which a “mom” walks in on her “daughter” having sex, and kind of likes it.

entitled babies irony alert racism trump twitter

For Donald Trump, 9/11 is a perfect day to celebrate Donald Trump: Today in Tweets

By David Futrelle

Today should have been a day to reflect on the horror that was 9/11, and the horror that it unleashed upon the world. It should have been a day to remember the heroism of firefighters and the bravery of those who risked their health and their lives to search for survivors.

scott adams twitter

Irma hits Florida, Ann Coulter does her nails: Today in Tweets

Irma: View from a car

By David Futrelle

Irma is now wreaking its destruction on Florida. And Ann Coulter remains an asshole.

Plus: I get blocked by Scott Adams. And other news.


Irma targets Tampa, a stalker plays the piano, and tiny puppies nap: Today in Tweets

Irma batters Cuba en route to Florida

By David Futrelle

Irma’s path shifts westward, putting a seriously unprepared Tampa in its path.

There’s some other news, too. But we’ll start with Irma:

doggoes trump twitter

Hurricane Irma and other disasters: Today in Tweets

Irma in action in Puerto Rico

By David Futrelle

Hurricane Irma is cutting a wide swath of destruction in the Carribean, en route to Florida. Meanwhile, Equifax doxxes 44% of all Americans, a racist Twitter lady waxes poetic about white guy spooge, and wolves are fucking huge, man.