If you haven’t seen ABC’s horrifyngly Spinal-Tappish interview with That Man in the White House yet, you need to go watch it.
If you haven’t seen ABC’s horrifyngly Spinal-Tappish interview with That Man in the White House yet, you need to go watch it.
I mentioned the other day that we may need to start calling our elected officials every day, on top of whatever other activist stuff we do.
Luckily, there’s an extremely useful new website to help you do that. 5calls.org is a site urging Trump resistors to make, yes, five calls a day to the politicians who represent us as well as other people who are worth besieging with calls.
At this point it’s hard to keep up with the flood of crap coming from the Trump administration, as he signs executive order after executive order pushing everything from his beloved border wall to, well, pretty much anything Paul Ryan and the Republicans give him to sign.
So this morning Unpresident Trump signed executive orders that will move construction forward on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. Because of course he did.
But the fight is far from over. If you would like to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and others who have stood up against the pipelines, in the face of ferocious and sometimes frankly shocking police violence, there are many good options.
Build on the momentum of this weekend’s massive protests by calling your members of congress with a blunt message: Trump’s behavior in the first several days of his presidency — from his belligerent inauguration speech to his petty and dishonest squabbling about crowd sizes — indicate that he is dangerously unfit and temperamentally unsuited to be president.
It’s been quite a week! Today’s #ResistTrump mission is easy as pie: Go to the White House web page and sign this petition demanding that Trump release his tax returns.
An estimated 2.5 million people, mostly women, marched today against Trump worldwide. Others protested yesterday. Were you one of them? Share your story, share your pictures and videos in the comments! Or any good photos and videos you’ve run across online.
I think what we’ve got here is a real mass movement.
No trolls or Trump fans in this thread, please.