Professional far-right hatemonger Candace Owens declared on a recent Daily Wire podcast that she would beat a hypothetical trans grandson with a cane.
Professional far-right hatemonger Candace Owens declared on a recent Daily Wire podcast that she would beat a hypothetical trans grandson with a cane.
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Yesterday, the New York Times was sent two open letters criticizing what many have seen as biased and misleading coverage of trans issues that has given ammunition to anti-trans activists and legislators. One of the letters was from the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization GLAAD; the other was signed by 170 New York Times contributors disturbed by the paper’s slanted trans coverage.
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Last week Electronic Arts announced that it would be adding trans options to its popular Sims 4 game–allowing players to customize their characters with top-surgery scars, chest binders, and other shapewear. Naturally, the right-wing American Family Association reacted as if someone had set fire to Jesus.
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Last night, non-binary singer Sam Smith doffed a hat with devil horns for a performance with trans performer Kim Petras at the Grammys. There were flames, Petras in a cage, and dancers dressed in what were effectively slutty demon Halloween costumes. On Twitter, right-wingers reacted as if Smith had literally sacrificed a baby for Satan on live TV.
Apparently worried about competition from Florida governor and anti-trans crusader Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump has announced a terrifying anti-trans agenda he promises to enact if (god forbid) he is returned to office.
The editor of the right-wing “news” site Headline USA thinks he has sussed out the possible next phase of the global conspiracy to sterilize the human race: the global elites will use vaccines to feminize men and cause them to grow man boobs.
A new bill drafted by Oklahoma state Rep. Kevin West and introduced to the state House on Thursday would ban all drag performances that “could be viewed by a person under the age of majority.”
The right lives in its own little world, and in that world, these are three big concerns right now:
“Why are incels turning themselves into girls?” asks a headline on Unherd.com. A blog post on Pirate Wires posits a veritable “Incel-To-Transwoman Pipeline.” Finally, an article on Breitbart, illustrated with a stock photo of a mustachioed man wearing lipstick and nail polish, declares that “a look into a sizable online community reveals the shocking motive behind some men’s desire to identify as women: involuntary celibacy.”
The creator of the viral Twitter hate account “Libs of TikTok” appeared on Tucker Carlson’s daily streaming show on Fox Nation today. Unsurprisingly, Chaya Raichik took the opportunity to spread misinformation about, and spew hatred at, the LGBTQ community, which she characterized as an evil “cult” of pedophile groomers.