Today I learned something from the Men’s Rights subreddit that’s, honestly, a little disturbing. In a topic with the title David Futrelle seriously needs help, I found the following exchange:
Ulp! I just signed up for the parties and the breeding. I didn’t know about the sharks.
Elsewhere in the thread, Alisdair writes of me:
I get the feeling that this is just one of those guys, frequently held in high esteem with the feminists, who basically want every man out there cuckolded. With the alpha cock and all of that.
He’s pretty much nailed it. Here’s my to-do list for today.
- Write blog post
- Candy Crush (9 hours)
- Play fetch with cats (4 hours)
- Clean litter box
- Get every man cuckolded (with the alpha cock)
- Go to grocery store
One down, five to go!