On Saturday morning, popular trans Twitch streamer Clara Sorrenti — better known online as Keffals — was arrested at gunpoint by the London, Ontario police after trolls sent death threats in her name to local city counsellors.
On Saturday morning, popular trans Twitch streamer Clara Sorrenti — better known online as Keffals — was arrested at gunpoint by the London, Ontario police after trolls sent death threats in her name to local city counsellors.
Right-wingers and TERFs alike were thrilled when singer Macy Gray made some ignorant comments about trans women on Piers Morgan’s show on Monday.
Pop quiz!
Some of the quotes below are from a discussion of Drag Queen Story Hour on the “GenderCritical” forum on Ovarit. The rest are from literal Nazis, either posting on Stormfront or on AltRight.com. Can you tell the difference?
“Gender Critical” transphobes like to associate their trans enemies with terrible things. They call trans folks and their allies “Men’s Rights Activists” — because, you see, trans women are really men, so if you support trans people you’re fighting for men’s rights. (I guess trans men, whom transphobes think are women, don’t count.)
From the TumblrInAction subreddit, which has become Reddit’s unofficial TERF hangout since the banning of the Gender Critical subreddit.
It’s the International Trans Day of Visibility today and the TERFs are trying their best to avert their eyes. Over on Ovarit, the Reddit clone many of Reddit’s TERFs decamped to after their subreddit was banned, there are no fewer than five threads devoted to the subject on the front page of the so-called “Gender Critical” forum. Seems the regulars are feeling pretty gloomy.
Watch out, cises, those transes are sneaky! First they trick you into listing your (regular cis) pronouns in your bio in solidarity with trans people — a seemingly innocent move that slides you into the “trans pipeline.” And before you know it. you’re a full-fledged trans person yourself.
You may remember the MGTOW I wrote about who wanted to use human wombs as a sort of deluxe version of a 3-D printer — though only after removing the wombs from possibly unwilling donors.
Do you remember when alt-rightsters wouldn’t shut up about “white genocide,” the alleged plot by our hidden (((puppetmasters))) to get rid of the white race by convincing people of color and white people to have biracial babies together? By their logic, anything that encouraged mixed marriages/relationships, from multiracial underwear ads to mixed-race emojis to anal porn, was an act of genocide against the white race.
In a recent interview with AARP magazine, Jamie Lee Curtis announced that she has a new trans daughter, saying that she and her husband Christopher Guest “have watched in wonder and pride as our son became our daughter Ruby.”