Attention angry men! If you’re taking a cruise with your wife and she tells you she wants a divorce, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin has some advice for you: don’t beat her to death in front of your children. No, just push her overboard when no one is looking.
Know what I mean, know what I mean, nudge nudge, say no more?
By David Futrelle
“Stochastic terrorism,” as many of you know, is a way to terrify your enemies without getting your hands dirty, or even bothering to learn how to make a bomb or fire a gun.
With so many mass shootings in the States these days, it’s just a matter of time until one of them happens to follow me on Twitter, read ROK, or like a handful of my Youtube videos.
On Friday, security guard Alexander Kozak was reportedly fired from his job at the Coral Ridge Mall in Iowa. According to news accounts, Kozak, a self-identified “born free, gun toting, Constitution loving American,” returned home, retrieved a handgun, then returned to the mall, where he shot and killed a young woman named Andrea Farrington, with whom he was reportedly obsessed.
A local radio station reported that Kozak was fired
due to complaints of sexual harassment of store employees. It’s believed he targeted the woman, who reportedly worked at the Iowa Children’s Museum, because her complaint was the last in a series and led to his firing.
Over on the Roosh V forum, an online hangout for “Red Pillers” and fans of the repugnant pickup artist and rape legalization proponent, some of the regulars are “finding it hard to blame” Kozak for the murder.
Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”
Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !”
A woman protests stoning at a demonstration in Berlin
In the midst of a mostly dull disquisition on the evils of marriage, filled with odd jargon he’s made up himself, A Voice for Men’s erstwhile cooking columnistAugust Løvenskiolds makes a comment so startling and revealing that I have to bring it to your attention.
Løvenskiolds is discussing the fall of “andomarriage,” which is his term for traditional marriages in which both man and wife agree to a set of mutual rights and responsibilities. Specifically, he says, both agree to
Rape survivor advocate Nayreen Daruwalla speaks to Indian women. Click on pic to see her on CNN
So I was wondering if any of A Voice for Men’s readers had spoken up in the comments there about a rather sensitive subject: the fact that the supposed “human rights” site recently published a post that was not only 1) an apologia for marital rape but also, 2) written by a Holocaust denier and Hitler fan.
When I took at look at the comments there this morning, the answer was (of course) no: there was no mention of AVFM contributor Amartya Talukdar’s numerous Tweets describing the Holocaust as a hoax, Hitler as a great man, and Hillary Clinton as a “Jewess.”
Instead, I found that those who challenged Talukdar’s post (archived here) — which defended the Indian government’s refusal to see marital rape as rape — got harsh rebukes from other AVFM commenters and the site’s moderators, who went so far as to actually ban two commenters unhappy with Talukdar’s rape apologia.
Amartya Talukdar is a Men’s Rights Activist and self-described “dedicated humanist” who’s written numerous posts for A Voice for Men — most notoriously, the explicit apologia for marital rape that I wrote about earlier this week. In that post, Talukdar declared that “marriage is a licence for sex” and lamented that if marital rape is made illegal in India, men denied sex by their wives might have to resort to masturbation, prostitution, or cheating to find sexual relief.
That’s right; he seems to think that it’s more of a crime for a woman to “force” a man to turn to masturbation than it is for that man to force sex on his unwilling wife.
Well, it turns out that Talukdar has some other, er, interesting beliefs as well. In a series of recent Tweets, he’s revealed himself to be a Holocaust denier and Hitler admirer who believes that Hillary Clinton is a “Jewess.” No, really.