This blog hit a little milestone last night: someone posted the 10,000th comment here. (It was Natasha, actually.) Which means, of course, that if I had a dong for every comment posted here, I could be carrying this lovely 10,000 dong bill in my wallet. In South Vietnam. In 1975.
It also means that this blog is stirring up a lot of discussion. When I first started this blog, most of the comments came from angry manosphere snipers, many of them anonymous. There were also a relative handful of commenters who actually liked what this blog was doing, and who were willing to take on the Army of Doucheness. This relative handful has turned into a nice little community. I hope I can keep you all entertained and/or outraged enough to stick around.
We’re also only a few thousand hits — two or three days — away from another milestone: a quarter of a million page views. Which is really kind of awesome.
Yet I know we could easily reach twice as many readers; maybe five times, maybe even ten. But I kind of need your help for that. Getting this blog linked to — on Reddit, on Twitter, on Facebook, on other blogs, even in comments on other blogs — can dramatically increase the number of visitors on any given day. And every time this blog reaches new readers, some stick around.
So to those of you who have been Tweeting and Redditing (and commenting about, and StumbleUpon-ing) Man Boobz, I thank you. Seriously. Please do it more, more, more! And if you haven’t yet, and you like this blog, please start! The little buttons on the bottom of each post make it pretty straightforward. (If you post it on Reddit, send me a link or post it in a comment and I’ll go vote the submission up.)
One more thing: T-shirts, after a long delay on my part, are coming! (And coffee mugs, and stickers, and who knows what else.) Not immediately, but pretty soon, with the generous artistic assistance of Shaenon and JohnnyKaje. The first two: “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” and “underneath that fun cupcake is a MONSTER.” My plan is to sell some of them at cost, and others for $5 or $10 above cost, with the profits going 100% to a well-run, appropriate charity. Something like that. Still working out the details. If you have thoughts about a good charity, let me know.
So anyway, that’s the Man Boobz news. Discuss!
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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.