In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:
In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:
Right-wing pundit Phil Labonte, 47, recently ran across the Tinder profile of Kat Abughazaleh, a Media Matters researcher who monitors Tucker Carlson and evidently decided to try to embarrass her by tweeting it out to his hundred thousand followers.
MGTOWs love making memes with this famous photo of Leonardo DiCaprio, sporting a slightly smug smile, raising a glass of champagne to toast, well, whatever it was he was toasting. In this picture, Leo seems to represent their platonic ideal of the MGTOW attitude, exuding the self-confidence they wish they had.
By David Futrelle
It’s only been a month since the most stubborn man in the universe broke the internet by trying (and trying again at much greater length) to explain what he incorrectly saw as the correct use of the word “vagina” to a literally world-famous gynecologist.
By David Futrelle
Into each life some rain must fall. Unless, of course, you’re Donald Trump, in which case you do anything and everything you can to keep even a single drop of that foul skywater from touching your elaborately styled and apparently quite delicate combover — even if it means dishonoring the memories of Americans who died serving their country.
By David Futrelle
Over the weekend, I put up a brief post about the sudden proliferation of “NPC” accounts on Twitter — noting the small irony that right-wing trolls were using a veritable army of sockpuppet accounts all spouting identical rhetoric and posting identical memes in order to prove that liberals and leftist are soulless, robotic “Non-Player Characters.”
By David Futrelle
Pity the poor Nazis, who are evidently having a difficult time dealing with the fact that Taylor Swift is never ever, ever getting back together with them, even though she was never ever, ever together with them in the first place.
By David Futrelle
So I haven’t been paying much attention to Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men in recent months — well, years really. The site — once a central hub of the Men’s Rights movement online — has largely been forgotten by the media, and even by MRAs itself, though the editors there gamely keep posting, well, apparently anything anyone submits to them. Recent articles have included such barn-burners as “Brews before shrews” and “Feminism, Gynocentrism and the Future Matriarchal Gynocracy: The Different Types of Societies and the Feminist Zero Sum Game (Part one).”
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By David Futrelle
Today was a truly dark day for those who would have preferred to go through life not ever knowing what Donald Trump’s dick looks like (alleged). In excerpts from Stormy Danies’ forthcoming memoir, the porn-actress-turned-producer described her alleged sexual encounter with our gross president in enough detail to ruin all of our breakfasts.