In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:
In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:
If you ask a “Red Pilled” guy what he thinks about social media, he’s likely to launch into a tirade. In the Red Pill world, social media and dating apps are making life worse for men — by making women feel too good about themselves.
Incels feel so little empathy for women and girls that they simply refuse to believe that they could ever feel bad about themselves.
Incels. Even when they’re not saying utterly reprehensible things — like demanding that women be turned into sex slaves for them, or blaming the Jews for their own sexual and romantic failures — they can still be a bit, well, much.
By David Futrelle
Now the incels are mad at the Buddha.
By David Futrelle
Incels are breaking new ground in the arena of being oppressed.
By David Futrelle
New York Magazine has a remarkable cover story out now on incels — more specifically, on the subset of the “involuntarily celibate” who obsess endlessly about getting plastic surgery in order to transform themselves from supposedly hideous unfuckable monsters into handsome Chads with perfectly chiseled faces.
By David Futrelle
Last year, weirdo online pastor “Coach” Dave Daubenmire caused a bit of a stir after he warned men not to give in to the devilish temptation of masturbation, because when a man jerks himself off he’s, well, jerking off a man, and even though that man is himself, it’s still totally gay.
By David Futrelle
While the lamestream media wastes its time on trivial issues like the government shutdown and the latest extremely-damaging-to-the-president revelations in the Mueller investigation, the public-spirited fellows over on the Incels.is forums are discussing the issues that really matter in the world today, like “why is rape considered so bad anyway” and “isn’t it hilarious that some dude in India beheaded his cheating wife?”
By David Futrelle
The Federalist has once again delivered a hot take so blazingly bad that the entire internet, it seems, has risen up to point and laugh at it.