In the wake of a racist tirade from Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the white nationalists at Counter-Currents are urging the cartoonist and right-wing bloviator to go all the way and embrace white identity politics.
In the wake of a racist tirade from Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the white nationalists at Counter-Currents are urging the cartoonist and right-wing bloviator to go all the way and embrace white identity politics.
Yesterday, Scott Adams the Dilbert Guy brought us some truly tragic news:
You may have reacted to the news of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting with anger, or sadness, or frustration, or some mixture thereof. Dilbert creator and freelance persuasion guru Scott Adams responded by asking himself “what’s in it for me?”
By David Futrelle
Irma is now wreaking its destruction on Florida. And Ann Coulter remains an asshole.
Plus: I get blocked by Scott Adams. And other news.
By David Futrelle
Like Donald Trump, and like a lot of people who think they’re much smarter than they are, cartoonist-turned-Trump-rationalizer Scott Adams hates to admit he’s wrong. Trouble is, he’s wrong a lot; he can barely open his mouth on Periscope or type out a Tweet without saying something ridiculous if not patently false.
By David Futrelle
In today’s Tweetpile: Stephen Miller takes on the tired and poor, Trump tries to pay attention in meetings, white people convince themselves that black people get to go to college for free, and some record-breaking polls for the Trumpster!
By David Futrelle
In today’s Tweet Pile: Cats fight for the right to vote (for women), Mooch meets his new baby, Trump threatens to destroy Obamacare himself if congress can’t, and incels offer some very interesting theories about tampons. With cameos from long-time WHTM favorites Scott Adams, M*ke C*rnovich and Roosh V!