By David Futrelle
Do you want to convince small children that you’re some kind of magical being, while at the same time repelling the absolute worst men in the world? This blurry screenshot from Tumblr might have the answer for you!
By David Futrelle
Do you want to convince small children that you’re some kind of magical being, while at the same time repelling the absolute worst men in the world? This blurry screenshot from Tumblr might have the answer for you!
By David Futrelle
Roosh V is having another sad. Just three weeks after Amazon stopped selling nine of his books, the date rape expert, baking enthusiast and former Most Hated Man in the World has decided to shut down his flagship Return of Kings website. In a post on the site today, Roosh announced that
By David Futrelle
Sometimes the sideshow is more interesting than the main event. Consider this strange ass-ault on butt-sex porn found in the comments to a Return of Kings post titled “GLOBOHOMO RAINBOW MAFIA IS FORCING THE U.S. NATIONAL SOCCER TEAMS TO WEAR GAY PRIDE JERSEYS.”
By David Futrelle
What if you staged a publicity stunt and got no publicity? You might want to ask skeezeball “pickup artist” and rape legalization enthusiast Roosh V.
By David Futrelle
The idea that women secretly, or not so secretly, want to be raped isn’t exactly a new idea, and it’s one that remains popular among the sort of men who think that rape laws are just too damn strict.
By David Futrelle
Even a cursory look at the research on mass shootings suggests an obvious conclusion: the number of deaths in mass shootings seems pretty directly correlated to how easy it is to get hold of guns, in particular the assault rifles that have become the weapon of choice for mass killers. Countries that make it hard to get guns have drastically fewer mass shootings than the gun-friendly United States. Countries that have restricted gun ownership have seen the number of mass shootings fall.
By David Futrelle
By David Futrelle
The fellas at garbage site Return of Kings have made their feelings about immigrants pretty clear. If you do a search for “immigrants” on the site, you get a lot of headlines like these:
By David Futrelle
Great headlines — like the New York Post’s legendary page-one shocker, “Headless Body in Topless Bar” — grab the reader’s attention instantly but leave enough unsaid that hapless news junkies feel compelled to click the link or buy the tabloid because they need to know the rest of the story.
By David Futrelle
It’s not altogether surprising to see a writer at the far-right internet shitsheet Return of Kings crying “censorship” in the case of The Daily Stormer, the notorious neo-Nazi hate site that has been banished to the so-called Dark Web.