men who should not ever be with women ever red pill

Red Piller finds the perfect girlfriend. There’s just one problem: She’s (gasp!) 30

Typical 30-year-old woman, according to the Red Pill

Good news, everyone! One lucky Red Pill Redditor has found the girl of his dreams.

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Reddit Red Pillers ask the important question: Are lesbians real?

Red Pillers see themselves as serious, scientific students of the human condition, helping one another make sense of the sometimes hard truths of human nature. In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they deal forthrightly with important questions about life and how to live it. Like: What do I do if my girlfriend insists on walking in front of me? Is playing piano a beta cuck activity? And perhaps the most perplexing question of all: Are lesbians real?

alpha males beta males misogyny red pill

Fellas, is it gay to ask questions in the Ask The Red Pill subreddit?

The Ask the Red Pill subreddit is a place where the wise elders of Reddit’s Red Pill community answer questions from aspiring alpha males who wonder if they’re doing the whole Red Pill thing correctly.

alpha males misogyny red pill reddit

How can I flirt with a woman without accidentally making her feel good about herself, alpha male wannabe wonders

Show some sympathy for the poor alpha male trainee confused about how to flirt with women without inadvertently making them feel good about themselves by telling them they look pretty or something.

men who should not ever be with women ever red pill reddit single mothers

The eugenic case for deadbeat dads, by some Red Pilled wanker

Red Pillers aren’t exactly big fans of single mothers, whom they blame for assorted social pathologies and generally refuse to date. But what about the missing fathers? Are they to blame for deserting the mothers in the first place?

misogyny red pill reddit

Red Pillers are out there breaking their own hearts and I can’t say I feel the slightest bit of sympathy

Sorry, Pat. These guys are their own heartbreakers.

The manipulative and often just straight-up abusive dating “philosophy” promulgated on the Red Pill subreddit is bad news for any woman it’s inflicted upon. But it’s also bad news for the Red Pillers themselves, promoting a vision of the world as a cold, cruel place where no one gives a shit about anyone else.

emotional abuse empathy deficit misogyny PUA red pill reddit Uncategorized

Red Pill Redditor: Help! My girlfriend thinks I’m an abusive, manipulative narcissist (which I actually am)

By David Futrelle

A lot of what’s called “Red Pill Dating Strategy” is little more than abuse — mimicking the behavior of real-life skeezebags who employ assorted psychological tricks designed to keep their partners feeling desperate and insecure. It’s as if the Red Pillers read a rundown of toxic behavior in relationships and decided to use it as a to-do list.

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Reddit pickup artist complains that his “lay ratio” has dropped due to coronavirus

Calculating the Lay Ratio

By David Futrelle

Priorities, we’ve all got them. For example, my top priorities for the next year and a half are to 1) not die and/or 2) go completely broke. By contrast, the top priority of a Reddit “pickup artist” known as RedPill_Swinger is to procure himself as many potential future “lays” as possible, worldwide pandemic or no.

dread game emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill reddit

Red Piller: Evil girlfriends will fatten you up to make you unsexy then dump you for a sexier guy because THAT makes total sense, right?

It’s a TRAP!

By David Futrelle

Beware of women bearing potato chips, because they’re out to kill your sexy, sexy body and make you, like, a fatty. Especially beware when the woman in question is your longterm girlfriend, because this is all a devious plot to kill her feelings of attraction towards you because secretly all women want boyfriends they don’t think are attractive, or something.

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MGTOWs declare coronavirus their “greatest ally” because it’s forcing women to return to the home

The 50s were wild, man

By David Futrelle

Not long ago, we met some Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists happily declaring that the coronavirus must be a TERF like them because it was disproportionately killing men — and (allegedly) making trans women sad.