They are seriously running out of ideas over there on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.
They are seriously running out of ideas over there on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.
It’s tough, sometimes, to be an alpha male lady slayer. Especially in the age of COVID. Consider this unfortunate dude, who took his COVID-related dilemma to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.
There’s an old saying that Red Pillers have made their own: “Men age like fine wine; woman age like milk.” Red Pill lore states that women are at their peak attractiveness in their teens and early twenties, after which they “hit the wall” at age 30 or so and rapidly lose their looks, ultimately becoming attractive only to the most desperate of men.
We’re back in the Ask the Red Pill subreddit again, where one lost soul is wondering if dating women is s total beta simp move.
Imagine how far your head has to be up your own ass to ask a question like this.
Of all the ridiculous bits of red pill jargon that litter the conversations wherever red pillers gather to talk, probably the most ridiculous is the term “plate” — used to mean a woman you’re regularly fucking in some sort of Friends With Benefits kind of way.
A young Redditor called mookg is perplexed: He’s noticed that, contrary to what he’s learned from the Red Pill subreddit, some women seem to prefer dating men who don’t look like big, beefy gym rats. So he turns to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit for answers.
I‘m becoming somewhat addicted to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit; it’s such an amazing mixture of bad ideas and weird insecurities, a place where earnest Red Pill ideologues offer relationship advice to men who really shouldn’t be in relationships of any kind.
Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they’re talking about hickeys. More specifically, they’re talking about how alpha men like themselves can strategically use any hickeys they come to possess as a tool to impress the ladies.