alpha asshole cock carousel antifeminism creepy cuckolding men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill reddit straw feminists that's completely wrong

"They want every man cuckolded as it undermines the patriarchy and sets up a matriarchy where men are simply drones" and other insights on feminism from the Men's Rights Subreddit

MRAs apparently watch a lot of Cheaters
MRAs apparently watch a lot of Cheaters

Is it just me, or are Men’s Rights Activists (and PUAs and MGTOWers) just a little bit obsessed with this whole “cuckolding” thing? From a discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit today:

Demonspawn 6 points 8 hours ago       but third-wave feminists are worse in my opinion. They RUIN everything feminism originally stood for  Feminism was a movement that wanted men's rights while rejecting men's responsibilities. The only difference between then and now is that today it's harder to hide feminism's true intent as women have men's rights.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–][deleted] 2 points 7 hours ago*   Not only do they reject responsibilities. They want them removed entirely. For example marriage today has simply become a way to find out there's been another man balls deep in your wife and several of your kids aren't yours, but you need to pay for it all. This is something feminists are working to have be the new way of life. They want every man cuckolded as it undermines the patriarchy and sets up a matriarchy where men are simply drones that toil away for their female masters. On the other hand a man being unfaithful is extremely irresponsible and morally abhorrent. Even if it's just having your cock sucked like Clinton. It's a scandal.

Dudes, if you’re this, er, intrigued by cuckolding, there’s like a whole genre of porn out there that should keep you busy for a while. I will not be providing you any links.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

a voice for men antifeminism evil sexy ladies internet tough guy memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men red pill straw feminists

Memesplaining: Men being trod upon by women with feminism

Actual A Voice for Men meme

Pity the poor MRA meme-makers. It’s hard for them to find real-world images to illustrate their deeply held belief that women in general (and feminists in particular) secretly or not-so-secretly run the world.

Indeed, there seems to be a lot of photographic evidence that supports a rather different conclusion about women and power. Do women run the US congress? Nope.

a voice for men alpha males antifeminism beta males butts creepy drama entitled babies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam penises post contains sarcasm princesses PUA rape red pill reddit rhymes with roosh yeah that's the ticket

Criticized for posting a puffball interview with PUA dirtbag Roosh V, Paul Elam reassures readers he knows how to get his dick wet

Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis
Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis

A couple of days ago, A Voice for Men posted the first half of what will evidently be a nine-zillion-word interview with none other than Roosh Valizadeh — you know, the far-right racist shithead who just semi-seriously proposed legalizing rape as a way, he says, to end it. Oh, and he also once admitted to raping a woman.

While AVFM is pretty hateful itself, some MRAs were a bit nonplussed to see a post on the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet describing Roosh, who’s also repeatedly attacked the Men’s Rights movement, as “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals; a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a couple of commenters raked AVFM and its Maximum Leader over the coals for opening his site up to a dude whose ideology is hard to distinguish from actual fascism.  Lauzon, a feminism-hating subreddit regular, wrote:

antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup guru Roosh V: End rape by making it legal

Roosh V: End rape by legalizing it
Roosh V: End rape by legalizing it

“Game” guru Roosh Valizadeh is tired of hearing that “men can stop rape.”

As far as he’s concerned, the problem isn’t men — who already know that rape is bad. No, it’s women.

Looking back on his own life, he wrote in a blog post yesterday (archived here),

alpha males antifeminism beta males birth control contraception crackpottery entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil working women feminist dudes gender policing imaginary oppression irony alert memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids reactionary bullshit red pill whaaaaa?

"No vagina on the planet will give you superpowers," and 9 other baffling Manosphere memes from the mind of Ian Ironwood

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Ian Ironwood, as he calls himself, is the proprietor of the blog The Red Pill Room. He’s also a big fan of retro art.  Alas, he has attempted to combine these two interests, producing a series of baffling “memes” in which he pastes little manosophere lessons on top of artwork borrowed from postwar American magazines and paperbacks.

Here are 9 more of my favorites, pulled from Ironwood’s Twitter stream.

#gamergate 8chan imaginary russian friends men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill twitter

Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Someone bought me another 5000+ fake Twitter followers today

I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.
I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.

Добро пожаловать, мои новые воображаемые русских друзей! Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь Моя прекрасная блог и аккаунт в Twitter.

This, Google Translate tells me, is Russian for “Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Please enjoy my fine blog and Twitter account.”

I popped onto Twitter this morning to discover that I have suddenly become popular in Russia again. Or at least in Imaginary Russia, home to countless imaginary Russians used by Twitterers who aren’t as popular as they want to be, in order to pad their follower account and make themselves look more popular. If you are so inclined, you can buy these imaginary Russians (and imaginary humans of many other nationalities) in bulk from specialists in the imaginary Russian Twitter user business.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory creepy cultural marxism doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sympathy for murderers

Roosh's Revenge Fantasy: The pickup artist and Gawker-media-hater writes a short story about the murder of an SJW blogger

Roosh, probably saying something terrible.

Roosh Valizadeh has long fantasized about ruining the professional lives of alleged “social justice warrior” journalists who criticize racist and misogynistic assholes like himself.

Now he’s fantasizing about murdering them.

Yesterday, the pickup guru and “Return of Kings” founder posted a short story on his personal blog about a twentysomething mailroom worker who loses his job after a feckless SJW reporter working for a Gawker-like blog called “The Denouncer” discovers an offensive Facebook post of his and writes a hit piece on him.

Unable to get a decent-paying job, the young man travels to New York and guns down the reporter who, in his mind, ruined his life.

If you have to guess which of the two characters Roosh sympathizes with, you clearly haven’t encountered him before.

evil sexy ladies gloating hypergamy men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys patronizing as heck post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill

New Red Pill film masterpiece offers devastating criticism of women who grow old

Good news, everyone! Another Red Piller has made another terrible short film!

“Naughty Nomad,” a Red Pill travel writer who claims to be known as “The Indiana Jones of Pussy,” has produced a not-quite nine-minute film called I Can Do Better. As he explains it on his website, the little drama “explores themes like hypergamy, female entitlement and spinsterhood.” So if you’re into all that you are in luck!

I don’t want to spoil anything, but rest assured that in the film an old woman apparently sort of regrets rejecting some dudes back when she was younger.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary oppression lazy women eating bon bons mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy patronizing as heck reactionary bullshit red pill YouTube

Trouble! Internet mashup king Pogo reveals himself to be a misogynistic douchenozzle [UPDATED with links to archived versions of his posts]

I'm outta here.
I’m outta here.

[UPDATE 2: Pogo now says his misogynistic posts were an “experiment.” For my take on this, see here.]

[UPDATE: Pogo has taken down several of the blog posts mentioned in this post. I have replaced the links to the vanished posts with links to archived versions.]

So you know that dude Pogo, who makes all those amazingly perky-yet-somehow-also-ethereal music/video mashups using snippets of old Disney movies and the like?

Turns out he’s a bit of a misogynistic dickbag.

Yep. On his Pogomix blog, Nick Bertke (his real name) has been posting a bunch of tiresome and achingly unoriginal rants about feminism and the alleged privileges of women that might as well have been cut and pasted from the Men’s Rights subreddit or A Voice for Men.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism dark enlightenment davis aurini evil SJWs hate speech heartiste hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men playing the victim post contains sarcasm PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian! straw feminists the spearhead whitepocalypse

Monkey Hippo Like Goyim: What you get when you do a Google image search for “Cultural Marxism”

Cultural Marxism in action.
Cultural Marxism in action.

“Cultural Marxism” – the alleged conspiracy of alleged secret Marxists allegedly trying to destroy Western Civilization through Political Correctness and feminism and racial equality – is a favorite boogeyman of the far right.

That includes, of course, large sections of the “Red Pill” world. Roosh V’s Return of Kings site publishes reactionary diatribes with titles like Cultural Marxism Produces Matriarchy and Tactics For The War Against Cultural Marxism In 2015; Heartiste rails against the alleged evils of “cultural Marxism, feminism, equalism, and … racial self-annihilationism.”