antifeminism beta males dark enlightenment evil fat fatties evil lying women evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

"Mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever," Return of Kings asshat explains

Man saving civilization from crazy broads.
Man saving civilization from crazy broads.

So internet garbage person Matt Forney has written another one of his deliberately awful Return of Kings posts designed to create outrage and deliver page views. This latest one, like his previous attempts in this genre, is a clickbaity list of “5 Reasons Why Girls With Mental Disorders Should Be Shunned” as “unworthy of your love.”

It would be easy enough to point out the irony of the thoroughly grotesque Forney declaring women with mental disorders to be “gross” fatties with stinky butts. (This is item 4 on his list. No, really.) Especially since he’s doing it on a website run by a dude who seems to resent the fact that he has to wipe his own ass.

But I’m more interested in the post’s “featured comment,” a miniature manifesto singled out by Return of Kings’ reluctant-ass-wiper-in-chief Roosh V as the best response to Forney’s post (and sporting more than 80 upvotes from the site’s terrible readers).

a woman is always to blame all about the menz alpha males antifeminism cultural marxism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs evil working women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Is Cultural Marxism turning London women into sneaker-wearing, iPhone-dropping degenerates?

Melanie Griffith in Working Girl: An agent of Cutural Marxist oppression?
Melanie Griffith in Working Girl: An agent of Cultural Marxist oppression?

The far right racist douchebag-o-sphere has been warning us for some time that Cultural Marxism works insidiously to destroy Western Culture and make women all frumpy and shit. Well, you’ll never guess just how sneaky these Cultural Marxist plotters really are: apparently they have the power to cause women to repeatedly drop their iPhones.

In a new post on Roosh V’s Return of Kings site, some dude called Theodore Gumbril dissects what he sees as the increasing “Degeneracy Of London’s Women.” The four signs of this ongoing Lady-pocalypse?

#gamergate antifeminism davis aurini dawgies drama drama kings dudes who look like anton lavey entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian! schadenfreude YouTube

Sarkeesian Effect Breakup Videos vs Tiny Puppies Struggling with Stairs

Not all puppies are adorable
Not all puppies are adorable

The things I do for you people.

Over the past few days I’ve been catching up with the small flood of Youtube videos that have come out that deal with l’affaire Sarkeesian Effect Breakup. The result is that I’ve spent so much time listening to Davis Aurini explain his terrible side of the story that he’s invaded my dreams.

And I mean that literally:  the night before last, I dreamt I ran across a grouchy and dispirited Aurini sitting alone at a table in McDonald’s. When he saw me he declared “don’t even think about trying to sit with me!” As if, dude!

Later in the same dream I was performing improv theater dressed as a hippie, but I doubt you’re interested in hearing more about that, so I’ll keep it confined to my dream diary.

Anyhoo, so I thought I would share a few of the more watchable Sarkeesian Effect videos.

I am aware that not all of you will have the time or inclination to watch all or even any of these videos, so I’m interspersing them with videos of tiny puppies trying to navigate stairs that are bigger than they are. Enjoy!

alpha males bad boys creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Win A Date With a Red Pill Douchebag (Plus bonus Taylor Swift/Ninch Inch Nails mashup video)

I found this video on the alternately entertaining and infuriating Blue Pill subreddit, devoted to mocking Red Pill horribleness. In it, a perfectly nice young woman relates a comically terrible date with a dude who’s obviously been reading too many Red Pill/PUA websites.

Ironically, she went out with him because he sent her a note about Taylor Swift. I’m sure he thought it was a super-clever neg. Unaware that she was dealing with a massive shithead, she thought that he, like her, actually liked Taylor Swift. I guess that’s what she gets for not assuming that all guys are shitheads?

#gamergate antifeminism drama kings dudes who look like anton lavey evil SJWs gamebros gender policing gross incompetence hypocrisy infighting irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian! this is good for bitcoin YouTube

The Top 11 Most Unintentionally Hilarious YouTube Comments About the Sarkeesian Effect Breakup

Coming to you live from the set of The Sarkeesian Effect  (Picture and caption borrowed from  @PachiPortrait on Twitter; original art by KC Green of
Coming to you live from the set of The Sarkeesian Effect (Picture and caption borrowed from @PachiPortrait on Twitter; original art by KC Green of

I admit it: I enjoy schadenfreude so much that I can usually spell the word correctly on the first try. And there’s a lot of schadenfreude in the air these days.

Indeed, I’ve been reading through the YouTube comments of the Sarkeesian Effect breakup videos I posted earlier and chuckling quietly to myself, not just at the assorted skull jokes but at the unintentional comedy, including all the bizarre contortions some Sarkeesian Effect supporters are going through in order to pretend that this ridiculous breakup is somehow less ridiculous than it actually is.

As I can’t in good conscience ever recommend that anyone actually go read the comments on YouTube, I’ve collected together some of my favorite ones. Here are the Top 11 Most Unintentionally Hilarious YouTube Comments About the Sarkeesian Effect Breakup.

#gamergate creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey elliot rodger gender policing incel infighting irony alert men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

"Sarkeesian Effect" drama gets uglier: Davis Aurini compares Jordan Owen to incel killer Elliot Rodger

If you watch only one 15-minute interview with Davis Aurini about his breakup with his former Sarkeesian Effect collaborator Jordan Owen today, make it this one!

Ok, I realize that might not be quite persuasive enough to get all of you to click play, but, seriously, this is pretty primo internet drama here, especially when a very testy Aurini starts comparing Owen to Elliot Rodger and basically telling us that his former filmmaking partner has none of the skills necessary to make a film.

And yep, it appears that they really did have their big falling out over Roosh. Which is a teensy bit ironic, because criticizing Roosh is pretty much the only decent thing that Owen has done since he first started obsessing about Anita Sarkeesian.

Anyway, the whole interview is worth listening to. Honest. But if you’re in a hurry, or just can’t tolerate 15 minutes of Aurini, skip ahead to 8:38, where it starts to get juicy, or to 10:30, where it gets even juicier. Here’s a partial transcript, courtesy of CringingAtTheWorld on the GamerGhazi subreddit .

I give it 4 “Ethics in Games Journalism” out of 5.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi, and everyone else who pointed me to this video.

a voice for men a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy entitled babies evil lying women evil women female beep boop hypocrisy internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats paul elam Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) reactionary bullshit red pill

He's the world's worst Men's Rights Activist; MRAs and feminists agree. But what he says isn't that different from "mainstream" MRAs.

bla bla
Peter-Andrew: Nolan©: Too extreme for the Men’s Rights movement?

Longtime readers of this blog will be familiar with a fellow who used to call himself Peter-Andrew: Nolan© — with the hyphen and the colon and the copyright symbol — and now calls himself Joschua-Brandon: Boehm© — also with a hyphen and a colon and a copyright symbol.

I think it’s fair to say he’s the world’s worst MRA.

creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil ugly women heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill ugly feminists woman's suffrage

Pickup guru Heartiste launches innovative "well, you're ugly and you can't get laid" campaign against feminists

Psst, dudes, the sufragettes won.
Psst, dudes, the sufragettes won.

Fellas, make up your minds! Are feminist ladies wily seductresses out to entrap innocent men using the power of their sexiness? Or are they evil uggos who never get laid?

While the zeta males over at A Voice for Men lament their alleged victimization at the hands of an alleged undercover feminist honey trap, who allegedly lured them into skeezy behavior by, among other things, crossing and uncrossing her legs, our old friend Heartiste once again assures his readers that feminist ladies are icky fugs:

A powerful shiv to the bloated gut of feminism is to remind normal, attractive women of the gross, ugly, and deranged feminist women (and their effete male lackeys) who purport to speak for all women. Women are nothing if not herd followers, and if it’s made clear to the Normal Majority of women that feminists are unbangable fugs no worthwhile man would touch with a manlet’s micropeen, then the herd will change course and leave the losers in its dust.

Hate to break it to you, dude, but you’re not the first person to try to defeat feminism using the brilliant strategy of calling feminists ugly. It never works.

a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women douchebaggery entitled babies evil sexy ladies irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patronizing as heck paul elam rape culture rape jokes red pill sexual harassment sexualization

A Voice for Men Paul Elam and pals rebut GQ article depicting them as creepy misogynists by acting like creepy misogynists

"Pretty girls" are always up to something
“Pretty girls” are always up to something

If you’ve read Jeff Sharlet’s magnificent GQ account of his lost weekend amongst the “Men’s Human Rights Activists” at A Voice for Men’s conference last summer (or my take on it here), you know that some of the creepiest moments his account involved his friend Blair, a twentysomething writer who came along for the ride and ended up, by her account, being groped and propositioned by AVFM’s “director of collegiate activism” Sage Gerard.

Sharlet never mentions Blair’s last name, but Elam outs her in a AVFM post with the lovely title “GQ’s Jeff Sharlet pimps out Blair Braverman for clickbait.”

a voice for men all about the menz antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises post contains sarcasm rape rape culture rape jokes red pill sexual harassment

The 5 Creepiest Details from GQ's Long-Awaited Account of A Voice for Men's Conference Last Summer

A Voice for Men's Paul Elam: Still not ready for his closeup
A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam: Still not ready for his closeup

A few days before alleged “men’s human rights” website A Voice for Men held its first convention last summer, the site’s founder and head boy Paul Elam put up a post imploring the alleged human rights activists planning to attend the event not to go around calling women bitches and whores and cunts, because the news media would be there, and this might make his little human rights movement look bad.

I’m paraphrasing here; Elam was a teensy bit more euphemistic, telling his followers that anyone caught “trash-talking women, men, making violent statements … anything that can be used against us” would get a very stern talking-to and, if they persisted, would be asked to leave.