Ingrid Carlqvist: Not reactionary enought for Red Pillers, because woman
A couple of days ago, our old friend Stefan Molyneux– the garrulous, absurdly misogynistic YouTube philosopher king — chatted for an hour with Ingrid Carlqvist, a Swedish, er, journalist who has found many fans in thealt-right for her hateful attacks on Muslim refugees.
SPOILER ALERT: Yes, at least according to RoK contributor David Garrett Brown.
As Brown sees it, contraception is just so darn cheap, and so completely foolproof, that women who get pregnant must be doing it on purpose.
From the ditzy cashier girl in her mid twenties to the deplorably feminist gender studies graduate, women are continually getting themselves pregnant, despite most of them not wanting a child … But why? If abortion involves such a traumatic choice, even for women who are pro-abortion, why do they subject themselves to a form of masochism easily averted by just using a condom and either a pill or contraceptive implant?
Well, you know how ladies are. They love attention nearly as much as clickbait-headline-writing editors at Return of Kings do.
Put simply, women want the attention that comes from both abortion and debates about abortion. …
Playing the abortion card, despite the ease with which 99% of abortion situations can be avoided, enables women to portray themselves as oppressed pieces of oestrogen-producing meat.
And of course a lot of them enjoy that whole “killing a baby” thing.
Many of them also adore the decision-making capability they can wield in having a foetus inside of them and deciding that it will not ever breathe outside the womb.
Brown confesses that he has mixed feelings about abortion itself.
Low birth rates have essentially destroyed the vitality of Western cultures, so on that count I find it in practical terms a form of social suicide. Conversely, feminists love abortions more than any other group and so them failing to reproduce as much is a win for society.
But, damn girls, why do you have to be so darn irresponsible?
What I find disdainful [sic] is that most women get themselves to the abortion stage in the first place. So much public energy, which could be better channelled in solving truly hard problems, is wasted on correcting the lack of responsibility on the part of sexually active women.
If you do not want to face either an abortion or having a child, do not get pregnant. It is literally that f**king simple. But if, like many women, you want a form of perverse attention and victimhood, abortion and fighting about abortion are great ways to achieve this ignoble aim.
Brown’s insistence that contraceptive failures are are pretty much always the woman’s fault might seem a tad ironic, given that the founder of Return of Kings, the unlovely and untalented Roosh Valizadeh, loves to boast about the number of times he’s been able to pressure or trick women into letting him “raw dog” them — that is, to have sex with them without a condom.
Indeed, in one post he offered men hoping to “raw dog” their dates some helpful tips. One useful technique: just plain lying about whether or not you’ve been tested for STDs:
She’ll ask if you’ve been tested. Say “Yes.” Don’t worry, she won’t ask when you were tested, how many girls you f**ked raw since you were tested, and what you were actually tested for. Even if you’ve never been tested, you can say “Not recently, but I’m 99% sure I don’t have anything,” and that’ll be just fine for her.
Or you could ignore her “no” and just start having sex with her sans condom, without her permission.
When gearing up for the second act of sex, just diddle her vagina with your dick and stuff it in. If she objects, get a condom and try again next time. By the fourth of fifth time, you’ll be banging raw guaranteed.
As you can see, Roosh has a rather expansive notion of what counts as consensual sex.
Roosh has sometimes worried that he might get AIDS from all this unsafe sex. But he doesn’t seem quite so worried that any of the women he’s, well, donated his sperm to will get pregnant. Possibly because he believes in magic. Possibly because he regularly moves from country to country. Possibly because he’s given so many of these women a fake name. And possibly because he’s a narcissistic, exploitative sh*tstain who really doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t personally affect him.
Whatever the reason, it does seem not just ridiculous but also just a teensy bit hypocritical for Roosh’s Return of Kings to suggest that it’s women who are almost entirely to blame for unwanted pregnancies.
Pity poor Roosh! The widely despised pickup artist and wannabe philosopher spent the last decade and a half as a man-slut, riding the vagina tilt-a-whirl around the world, having what he insistswas consensual sex with women in an assortment of sometimes colorful, sometimes colorless places from Paraguay to Siberia.
MGTOWs, like most of the misogynists I write about in this blog, love to talk about the male gender as being more rational and scientific than the allegedly irrational and overemotional human female. Unfortunately, most of MGTOWs seem to have learned science at the University of Mianus.
Aaron Clarey: Has many opinions about how black people should live their lives
Aaron Clarey, self-proclaimed “economist” and friend to such Manosphere luminaries as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney, is a white dude with many opinions about black people, and how, in his estimation, they are living their lives incorrectly.
Beating up dudes with a stick is not very ladylike, young missy!
So the question on the table for today is: Are asskicking women in action films an affront to “godly, awesome, beautiful, feminine women” and, well, now that you come to mention it, our heavenly Father too?
According to Christian cultural critic Nathan Alberson, the answer is “yes.”
A few days ago, racist skeezeball fantasy author Vox Day noted on his blog just how nice it would be to have a handy public list of all the people he hates. Sorry, a list of “confirmed SJWs.” It would be a handy resource, he said, both for SJWs looking to hire other SJWs, as well as “for those who wish to keep their organizations free of the creatures.”
I used to be a fairly regular watcher of Doomsday Preppers, the NatGeo “reality” show profiling a motley assortment of paranoid goofballs preparing themselves (and their sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes resentful families) in their own unique ways for what they saw as the impending end of the world.
On Return of Kings, the internet’s premier lady-hating garbage site, one of the regular contributors is trying his hand at philosophy again. It’s not going very well.
Max Roscoe, who describes himself as “an aspiring philosopher king,” has decided to take on what he sees as the evils of “modern liberal democracy.”
The revelation that Breitbart’s star, er, journalist Milo Yiannopoulos apparently relies on dozens of unpaid “interns” to write most of his garbage is rather delicious.
Unfortunately, that bit of news — which doesn’t seem to be an April Fools gag — is drawing attention away from another huge embarrassment for Breitbart, and for Milo himself.