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Yet another reminder that Red Pillers aren’t just insufferable misogynists; they also tend to be racist as hell.
For proof, look no further than this comment from a TOP ENDORSED COMMENTER in the Red Pill subreddit with dozens of upvotes. The topic at hand: that video from a virtually all-white University of Alabama sorority that looked a bit like a recruitment video for the Stepford Wives.
Naturally, the Red Pillocks love the video, especially its unbearable whiteness of being. Don’t cut yourself on the “edgy” racism below.
Hey Reddit, you know you can just ban blatant racism. There’s no rule saying you have to provide a platform for the world’s worst shitheads.
Oh, wait, I forgot that Reddit’s key demographic is the world’s worst shitheads. Never mind.
H/T — r/TheBluePill