a voice for men abuse allegedly false accusations misogyny MRA paul elam rape sexual assault Uncategorized

The former A Voice for Men point man for “Judicial Accountability” was just arrested in Scotland, where he reportedly fled to escape rape and fraud charges in the US after faking his own death

Nicholas Rossi, Nicholas Alahverdian, Nick Alan and Arthur Knight.

It’s safe to say that A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam is not really a great judge of character.

hate misogyny murder rape rape culture

If you make misogyny a hate crime, it will just increase misogyny, explains oafish British PM Boris Johnson

Misogyny is hate, so why aren’t crimes motivated by misogyny considered hate crimes? That’s a question a lot of people in the UK have been asking for a long time.

pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape rape culture

R. Kelly: Guilty Guilty Guilty (Open thread)

R. Kelly has been found guilty on all counts in his sex trafficking trial and is facing lifetime in prison. And all I can say is about fucking time.

cancel culture eternal gamergate misogyny rape rape culture reddit sexual assault sexual harassment

“No Time to Die” director acknowledges that James Bond was a rapist, and Reddit’s right-wing culture warriors cry foul

Dr. Won’t Tale No For an Answer

We need to talk about James Bond. The debonair master spy and mass seducer of women is looking a lot less charming today than he did back in his glory days in the 1960s and 1970s. As any relatively conscious person who’s watched an older Bond film in recent years can tell you, Bond was less a seducer than a straight up rapist — tricking, blackmailing and sometimes physically forcing women to have sex with him.

blm conspiracy theory critical race theory homophobia misogyny rape rape culture satan

Scott Lively attacks gays as “predators” but thinks Bill Cosby, hetero predator, is just fine

Scott Lively, probably saying something terrible

Scott Lively is a writer, a pastor, an activist, and a raging homophobe. He’s probably best known for writing a thoroughly debunked book arguing that gays did the Holocaust.

alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism bill cosby daily stormer literal nazis misogyny racism rape rape culture

Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer defends “Victimized Negro Gentleman Bill Cosby” and hails the court decision that set him free

Bill Cosby and Andrew Anglin: Reunited and it feels so good

As hard as it may be to believe, Bill Cosby has his supporters, people who believe his word over that of 60 accusers — or who just don’t give a shit if he’s guilty or not.

empathy deficit femoids incels misogyny rape

Incel: “Worrying about rape is the real privilege”

Incels are so convinced that they suffer more than anyone else in history ever, that I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that some of them actually profess to being envious of rape survivors – because at least someone was sexually attracted to them.

bad anatomy bad science incels misogyny rape

“Femoids are naturally designed to be raped,” incels insist

There’s a guy on the incel-centric Black Pill Club forums who posts what he calls a “Daily Femoid Hate Thread.” They’re always bad, but on Monday he really outdid himself with a post on how women are “designed” to be raped.

#metoo rape reddit sexual abuse

Marilyn Manson fans react to Evan Rachel Wood’s abuse allegations and most of them are surprisingly reasonable about the whole thing

Actress Evan Rachel Wood has been speaking out for years about the abuse she says she endured at the hands of one of her exes. Today, in an Instagram post, she dropped his name, and for most of those familiar with her story, it didn’t come as a big surprise:

anti-Semitism incels infighting misogynoir misogyny rape

Incel “sexual communists” want to “seize the means of reproduction,” which, if you’re a woman, is you

Incels, if they think about politics at all, tend to lean right — pretty far right in some cases. But there’s a distinct, if relatively tiny, bunch of incels who claim to be leftists and even Marxists. Let’s just say their version of Marxism bears little resemblance to the original flavor.