A prominent retired bishop in the Greek Orthodox church — known honorifically as the Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Dodoni — has caused a bit of a stir with some bizarre comments about rape.
Category: rape
If you can’t get enough of Nicholas Alahverdian — the accused serial con artist and sexual abuser who duped A Voice for Men into making him their “false accusations” poster boy — I’d recommend taking a look at this documentary on YouTube.
The last time we reported on the strange tale of convicted sex offender and former A Voice for Men staffer Nicholas Alahverdian, he was in Scotland awaiting extradition to the US on sexual assault charges in Utah. He was also telling whoever would listen — in a fake posh English accent — that he wasn’t Nicholas Alahverdian at all but rather a professor from Bristol, England named Arthur Knight, a victim of mistaken identity.
Over the course of Amber Heard/Johnny Depp defamation trial, Heard faced what one social media research firm has called “one of the worst cases of cyberbullying and cyberstalking by a group of Twitter accounts that we’ve ever seen” — and the bullying continues even today, nearly two months after Heard lost the case.
So here are a few little tales I found on Reddit that sound like they were directed by M. Night Shyamalan ; you’ll want to read them until their ends, as that’s where the real magic happens.
Let’s take another brief excursion to the Incels.is forums, where one prolific poster is setting forth a slightly new version of an old incel folk belief — namely, that being raped is really much less traumatic than being an incel.
When disaster — natural or man-made — strikes, people of all sorts are roused to action. Some of them look for ways to help; others try to figure out how to take advantage of the situation for their own personal gain.
If you’ve been looking for a website that will destroy your last shred of hope for humanity, might I suggest the incel forum BasedHaven? While not as appallingly popular as sites like Incels.is and Looksmax.org, the small site makes up for this with the sheer terribleness of its discussions.
Nicholas Alahverdian — former “Judicial Accountability” point man for A Voice for Men and suspected serial rapist – is in the news again. The last time we checked in on Alahverdian he had just been arrested in Scotland, where the Rhode Islander allegedly fled after faking his own death in an attempt to escape rape charges in Utah and possibly three other states. He’s already a convicted sex offender. In Scotland, Alahverdian — also wanted on fraud charges — apparently spoke with a fake posh British accent that sometimes gave way to an American accent when he was drunk.
The first one is terrible; each of the following ones is worse than the last.
Let’s start with a woman whose head is deep in her ass, delightedly smelling the source of her own farts.