alpha males creepy do you even lift emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill reddit sexual abuse sexual exploitation taking pleasure in women's pain

Red Piller: Become an Alpha Sex God by Imitating a Cult Leader and Convicted Rapist

Aravindan Balakrishnan: Red Pill role model?
Aravindan Balakrishnan: Convicted serial rapist and abuser, Red Pill role model?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost done! If you haven’t already, please support this blog by donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Aravindan Balakrishnan was a Maoist cult leader who used psychological torture and sexual violence to keep a small group of women under his control for decades in a hellish “commune” in South London.

empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever rape rape culture rape jokes

James Deen: Porn’s Missing Stair?

Who's got two thumbs and is allegedly a serial sexual assaulter?
Who’s got two thumbs and is allegedly a serial sexual assaulter?

Three women, so far, have come forward to accuse porn star James Deen of sexual assault. It seems exceedingly likely there will be more.

After porn actress Stoya tweeted on Saturday that Deen had forcibly raped her, other women in the porn industry made clear that they’d been warning fellow performers about Deen’s allegedly predatory actions for years.

creepy evil sexy ladies friend zone misogyny rape rape culture rape jokes

Bloomingdale’s date rape ad shows why the idea of the “friend zone” is so pernicious

No, Bloomingdales. no.
No, Bloomingdale’s, just no.

If you haven’t already seen this on Twitter, here’s something terrible for you: the image above comes from a catalog for Bloomingdale’s.

Because, apparently, a group of actual human beings sat around a table trying to come up with new ways to sell clothes this holiday season and decided that, really, there was no better way to do that than by conjuring up visions of holiday-themed date rape.

antifeminism crackpottery creepy evil sexy ladies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy patronizing as heck PUA racism rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V: “Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men.”

Hey Ladies! This man wants to be king of your castle
Hey Ladies! This man wants to be king of your castle

The repulsive pickup guru and wannabe philosopher of “neomasculinity” Roosh Valizadeh has long made it clear that he has a problem with women making decisions about their own lives, whether that decision is picking a college major — or saying “no” to sex with him.

In one notorious post, he explained to his readers that, as he sees it, a woman’s “no” pretty much never means “no.” Only if she uses the magic word “stop” does he stop. But he doesn’t think she really has a right to use that word, because, in his mind, once a woman “gives” him an erection, she owes it to him to finish the job.

“A man’s nut is sacred,” he wrote, “and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious.”

Given all this, it perhaps should not come as a shock to hear that Roosh thinks women should have their right to make decisions taken away from them altogether, not just when he’s trying to get his “nut.”

antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nonpology PUA racism rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill sexual assault

Coffeeshop owners face boycott after they’re revealed as creepy, rapey PUA scum

Jared Rutledge: Coffeeshop owner, terrible person
Jared Rutledge: Coffeeshop owner, terrible person

So a couple of coffeeshop owners from Asheville, North Carolina just got outed as the two creepy, rapey, misogynistic assholes behind a skeezy pickup podcast, and, it turns out that a lot of their customers aren’t terribly happy about that.

The two have posted apologies (of sorts) and tried to buy forgiveness by donating to a local rape crisis center — which has refused to accept their money.

Given what the two have said — and allegedly done — that reaction is more than understandable. Read on for the details.

consent is hard creepy MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sexy robot ladies taking pleasure in women's pain

Obsession 2.0: MGTOW suggests making sexbots that look like ex-girlfriends

Practically identical to the real thing.
Practically identical to the real thing.

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are talking about sexbots, as it seems every single person in the broader manosphere has been doing this week.

And one of the regulars came up with a creepy new spin on the issue that took even me by surprise.

So the fellas were discussing the possibility of making sexbots look like anyone you want them to … and this happened.

a woman is always to blame empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture

Damon Wayans: Cosby’s accusers are “unrape-able … bitches” out for money

Damon Wayans:
Damon Wayans: “Some of them really is unrape-able. I look at them and go, ‘I don’t want that.'”

Comedian Damon Wayans seems to be a shoo-on for this week’s Shitty Rape Apologist Shithead of the Week award.

In an interview on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club show on Friday, Wayans attacked Bill Cosby’s accusers — or at least the majority of them — as money-hustling “bitches” too ugly to have been really raped.

Wayans’ explanation for why 50 women have stepped forward with similar stories of drugging and sexual assault at the hands of Cosby?

antifeminism antifeminist women misogyny rape rape culture

Rape culture deniers: Genuinely confused or just pretending?

Rape Culture deniers: Genuinely confused or just pretending?
Rape Culture deniers: Are they this confused about everything?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

So yesterday I posted about the repulsive, rapey banners that some frat guys hung from the balcony of their frat at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Banners that were so obviously problematic that the school administration immediately suspended the frat to investigate.

Here. as a reminder, are the banners in question:

consent is hard men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats rape rape culture rape jokes

This is Rape Culture: That Virginia frat and its terrible banners

They ruined three bedsheets for this?
They ruined three bedsheets for this?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!


So the Sigma Nu house at Old Dominion University in Virginia apparently decided last weekend to reinforce the not-exactly-unjustified popular perception that fraternities are basically giant petri dishes for growing rape culture by hanging these lovely banners out for all incoming students to see.

People have already come out of the woodwork to defend the banners as “politically incorrect” humor, as Amanda Marcotte points out on Pandagon, and suggesting that they can’t possibly be referring to rape. She quotes one Washington Post commenter, who claims that while

antifeminism antifeminist women empathy deficit entitlement judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape rape culture sexual exploitation Tom Martin

Jared Fogle: Men’s Rights martyr?

Jared Fogle: Men's Rights martyr?
One MRA is declaring “Free #JaredFogle ! Jail the feminazis!”

Yesterday, the official Subway Twitter account posted a carefully worded statement declaring the actions of the sandwich chain’s now infamous former spokesman Jared Fogle as “inexcusable,” and noting that the company had already severed ties with him.

It’s certainly no surprise that Subway wants to have nothing to do with Fogle, who “has agreed to plead guilty to one count of traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor and one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography,” as CBSNews reports.