It’s time for another roundup of Comments I Don’t Let Through Moderation! There are some doozies this time. Well, there always are, but these doozies are even doozier than usual.
Category: rape
In days of yore, white supremacist men at least pretended that they wanted to protect white women from things like rape. But the dudes at the neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer, who are pretty unrelentingly hostile to women even on a good day, are now actively encouraging white men to rape white women in order to get them pregnant with potential future Nazis.
The idea that women regularly use their sexual wiles to gain control over men has long been central to the Men’s Rights Movement.
So here’s an interesting little scoop: According to the Daily Beast, the long-anonymous creator of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Red Pill subreddit is, IRL, a Republican politician — specifically, New Hampshire 9th district state representative Robert Fisher, known better in Red Pill circles as Pk_atheist.
Men’s Rights Activists aren’t good at much, but they’re remarkably adept at one thing: blaming women for things done by men. Rape? Don’t blame the rapists, blame their allegedly abusive mothers who made them that way. Environmental catastrophe? Don’t blame the CEOs of polluting corporations or the politicians who enable them, blame women and their love of shopping.
Another day, another drive-by misogynist commenter who ends up being even more terrible than the terrible people I wrote about in the post he’s commenting on.
Remember Paul Elam, the would-be Men’s Rights king whose assholish personality and obvious hatred of women (and, to be honest, most men) helped to derail the very movement he was trying to lead, ensuring that its time in the media spotlight would be a brief one?
At various points during Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech on Sunday the show’s producers cut away from the actress to shots of fellow actors listening somberly but sympathetically to her heartfelt critique of Donald Trump’s bullying of a disabled reporter.
Professor Douchecanoe manosphere-splains feminism to coeds
One of the strange superpowers of the modern Manosphere intellectual is the ability to pontificate endlessly, and with utmost confidence, on a subject — feminism — that they know absolutely nothing about. You could even say they know less than nothing about it, in that the few things they do think they know about it are completely and utterly wrong.
So I’m putting together a page (or possibly two) of anti-Trump resources, and I could use your help over the next few days. (No need think about any of this stuff today, obviously!)
I’m looking for a bunch of different things:
Information and graphics to help make the case that Trump’s victory is illegitimate, based on:
Hillary’s big win the popular vote; the ways in which the electoral college effectively overcounts the votes of rural whites and those in swing states and undercounts those of minorities; dirty tricks, from Russian hacking and wikileaks to the machinations of Comey and pro-Trump FBI agents (I’m especially interested in stuff talking about Trump’s connections to the dirty tricksters, as well as his public encouragement and exploitation of leaked emails and the like).
Information on protests and other anti-Trump activism:
Both local and national (and on the internet). Links to help people who want to get involved.
Information and resources to help people deal with Trump-related anxiety, etc.
Information on Trump’s massive conflicts of interest, and whether or not this could rise to the level of an impeachable offense
Information on his worldwide business dealings. Examples of the conflicts that have already become an issue even though he’s not yet in the White House. The issues raised by his plan to have his kids run his business — despite their continued involvement in the transition and their attendance at meetings with foreign leaders.
Information on Trump’s connections to white supremacists
The possibility that he engaged in “pay to play” for favorable coverage in Breitbart. Connections to far-right parties and activists in Europe. Examples of horrible stuff said and done by his white supremacist supporters. His refusal to clearly and specifically distance himself from these people — in person, on camera.
Trump’s compulsive lying; his vanity; his obsession with revenge; his encouragement of violence at his rallies; his flip-flops, mood swings, erratic behavior; his susceptibility to flattery; his promulgation of fake news and discredited claims
Trump’s racism and misogyny
Trump’s attacks on Muslims and Latinos. His record of discrimination against black tenants. His long history of misogyny. The accusations of sexual assault raised against him.
Historical parallels between Trump and fascist/authoritarian leaders in the past
Information about Trump’s unwillingness to follow traditional norms of presidential behavior and/or do his job
His massive ignorance about this country and the world and unwillingness/inability to learn. His attempts to dodge the press and threats against press freedom. His refusal to attend daily intelligence briefings. His refusal to make his tax returns public.
Trump’s terrible advisors and allies; the Russian connections
Further reading on Trump
Ranging from the terrible things he’s said about women, to his bankruptcies and sleazy business practices, to his embrace of assorted conspiracy theories over the years. I’m generally looking for longer articles here, but short primers on some issues are welcome as well.
Further reading on fascism. authoritarianism, right-wing movements and media
Information about Pence, particularly his anti-LGBT policies
Funny stuff
Recommended publications, writers, podcasters, etc to help make sense of Trump
Anything else you can think of that I’m forgetting