consent is hard men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats rape rape culture rape jokes

This is Rape Culture: That Virginia frat and its terrible banners

They ruined three bedsheets for this?
They ruined three bedsheets for this?

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So the Sigma Nu house at Old Dominion University in Virginia apparently decided last weekend to reinforce the not-exactly-unjustified popular perception that fraternities are basically giant petri dishes for growing rape culture by hanging these lovely banners out for all incoming students to see.

People have already come out of the woodwork to defend the banners as “politically incorrect” humor, as Amanda Marcotte points out on Pandagon, and suggesting that they can’t possibly be referring to rape. She quotes one Washington Post commenter, who claims that while

antifeminism antifeminist women empathy deficit entitlement judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape rape culture sexual exploitation Tom Martin

Jared Fogle: Men’s Rights martyr?

Jared Fogle: Men's Rights martyr?
One MRA is declaring “Free #JaredFogle ! Jail the feminazis!”

Yesterday, the official Subway Twitter account posted a carefully worded statement declaring the actions of the sandwich chain’s now infamous former spokesman Jared Fogle as “inexcusable,” and noting that the company had already severed ties with him.

It’s certainly no surprise that Subway wants to have nothing to do with Fogle, who “has agreed to plead guilty to one count of traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor and one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography,” as CBSNews reports.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism crackpottery creepy dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies imaginary backwards land mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy rape rape culture reactionary bullshit woman's suffrage

5 Untrue Things I Learned from AVFM’s 8th Post Defending Bill Cosby

Cotton Mather: He came in liketh a wrecking ball
Cotton Mather: He cameth in like a wrecking ball

When you have nothing to say, say it about Cosby.

Yesterday, Men’s Rights garbage site A Voice for Men doubled tripled quadrupled quintupled sextupled septupled octupled-down on its Bill Cosby apologia with an overwrought, overwritten, often barely comprehensible 3000 word opus titled “Why I despise Mass Media and love The Coz” by self-described “libertarian/market anarchist” B.R. Merrick.

antifeminism antifeminist women misogyny PUA rape rape culture rhymes with roosh twitter

Among the Sea Lions: A Case Study in Twitter Futility

Actually if Internet sea lions were this cute I wouldn't mind them
If Internet sea lions were this cute I wouldn’t really mind them

So a horse-loving, feminist-hating Roosh V fan popped into my Twitter mentions today, defending Roosh against accusations of rape by noting that he’s never actually been charged or convicted of rape. Which is true, though not actually proof of his innocence any more than OJ’s acquittal in criminal court is proof that he didn’t murder his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend.

creepy doxing drama kings evil SJWs grandiosity gullibility harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V apparently gives talk to small group of men ashamed to show their faces in public, declares victory

Roosh V: Either he's just given a talk or he's being held hostage by a couple of dozen dudes
Roosh V: Either he’s just given a talk or he’s being held hostage

Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as  and  — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.

Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.

alpha males antifeminism doubling down empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sexual assault sexual exploitation

Are Roosh V’s “Bang” books how-to guides for rape?

Roosh V explains the mechanics of sex
Roosh V explains the mechanics of sex

If the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh is able to deliver his planned talk tomorrow at some as-yet-undisclosed venue in Toronto, he won’t just be talking about the unoriginal blend of warmed-over misogyny he perplexingly calls “neomasculinity.”

He will also be selling his infamous “Bang” books, a series of pickup guides aimed mostly at North American tourists hoping to score easy sex in an assortment of countries in Europe and South America. These guides seem to have been Roosh’s main source of income for the past several years.

So it is worth asking what exactly Roosh is selling here.

antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

PUA asshat Roosh V declares victory in Montreal, gets drink tossed in face

Roosh celebrates his "victory" in Montreal
Roosh celebrates his “historic victory” in Montreal

Yesterday was a big day for Roosh Valizadeh, pickup artist, rape legalization advocate and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity.” Some highlights:

do you even lift men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

A Voice for Men defends skeezy PUA Roosh V as “much like the Buddha or Dalai Lama.”

Talk to the hand, because the Dalai Lama isn't listening
Talk to the hand, because the Dalai Lama isn’t listening

Apparently worried that not enough people were conflating the woman-hating, reactionary assholes who call themselves Men’s Rights Activists with the woman-hating reactionary assholes who call themselves pickup artists, MRA stronghold A Voice for Men has come rushing to the defense of PUA skeezeball Roosh Valizadeh, in the wake of his recent troubles in Canada.

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Pickup guru Roosh V thinks he’s beaten those opposing his talk tomorrow in Montreal. In fact, he’s proved their point.

Roosh V: Bro is definitely mad
Roosh V: Bro is definitely mad

Tomorrow, pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh’s four-country “world tour” comes to Montreal, Canada and it’s fair to say it has hit a few snags.

The first little snag, as you may already have heard, was a petition asking the Canadian government to bar Roosh’s entry into the country as a literal hatemonger. It drew nearly 14,000 signatures, while a counter-petition, demanding that Roosh be let in, has so far managed to get six.

The snags continue. Though the wily Roosh has apparently been able to make his way over the border, he wasn’t able to keep the Montreal hotel originally scheduled to hold his event from cancelling on him, in the wake of complaints from local activists and some less-than-adoring media coverage of the terrible Mr. V.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism drama entitled babies judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture schadenfreude

What happened when A Voice for Men’s News Director tried to publish an anti-Cosby post on that terrible site

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all true, you piece of shit.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all true, you piece of shit.

A Voice for Men, the World’s Greatest Grandpa of Men’s Rights sites, prides itself on the intellectual and political diversity of its writers.

The site has published articles by Holocaust-denying marital-rape advocates — and from dudes who think that the Holocaust happened and that marital rape shouldn’t happen. It has published articles lauding the rape legalization proponent and “pickup artist” Roosh V as a deep thinker” deserving nothing but respect — and articles denouncing him and other PUAs as excessively chivalrous flatterers engaging in “a scripted game of women-worship.” AVFM publishes articles attacking “bitches” alongside articles dissing “whores.”

What they won’t publish? Articles suggesting that Bill Cosby probably is guilty of some or all of the rapes he’s been accused of.