antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

What you need to know about Roosh V, the pickup artist holding meetups in 43 countries this Saturday

The man who would be king of the trolls
The man who would be king of the trolls

UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.

Roosh Valizadeh may be getting exactly what he wants. The scuzzball pickup artist and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity,” best known for his semi, demi, sort-of-satirical article advocating that rape be made legal on private property, has ignited a firestorm of controversy in the media and online by announcing plans to hold meetups for his fans in 165 locations worldwide this coming Saturday.

alpha males antifeminism entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia imaginary oppression masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia

Where is the pet shop? Roosh V Plans Secret Meetups, Announces Locations on Internet

If you attend one of Roosh's meetups, come prepared!
If you attend one of Roosh’s meetups, come prepared!

UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.

Numerous We Hunted the Mammoth operatives have informed me that Roosh Valizadeh, the pickup artist and rape legalization proponent who is apparently trying to start a second career as a “neomasculine” cult leader of sorts, is planning dozens of meetups around the world, from Birmingham, Alabama to Taiwan, all scheduled for next Saturday.

While the meetups aren’t literally secret, Roosh is organizing them like a CIA operative planning covert ops. Or at least like a ten-year-old boy playing secret agent.

antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery creepy empathy deficit rape rape culture red pill reddit TROOOLLLL!!

PurplePiller: Afraid of acquaintance rape? Just make sure your acquaintances are hot!

Save this gif; you may need it for later in the post
Save this gif; you may need it for later in the post

In PurplePillDebate — that surreal subreddit in which Red and Blue Pillers seek common ground — one alleged woman offers a rather original solution to the problem of acquaintance rape, telling women who are afraid of being raped by someone they know that they should only hang out with guys they think are hot. Because then if one of them decides to rape you, hey, at least he’ll be good-looking!

irony alert memes MRA rape rape culture

Memeday: Hey, MRAs — We Actually Do Teach Cars Not To Run People Over

Hitting pedestrians: Generally frowned upon
Hitting pedestrians: Generally frowned upon

I‘ve written before about what I called The MRA Meme That Would Not Die — that is, the notion that teaching men not to rape is like teaching drivers not to run people over. That it is, in other words, a silly and pointless exercise.

MRAs apparently think this is a devastating argument, and I’ve seen it return again and again, with slight variations, in memes floating around on Facebook and Twitter. Like this one:

antifeminism cuckolding evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit

Men’s Rights Redditor: “We live in a cuckolding culture more than a rape culture”

Cuckolding in progress!

The “cuckolding” obsession that has engulfed the nazi-lite alt right now seems to be spreading into Men’s Rights territory as well. In a recent post on the Men’s Rights subreddit that won dozens of upvotes, one anonymous cuck theorist explained his theory that “[w]e live in a cuckolding culture much more than a rape culture.”

dark enlightenment Dean Esmay infighting irony alert matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA rape rape culture red pill

Dean Esmay, Matt Forney Trade Rape-related Accusations in Internet Douchebag Grudge Match

And in this corner, Matt Forney!
And in this corner, Matt Forney!

Two of the internet’s most terrible people are engaged in a bitter grudge match that, one can only hope, leads to the utter defeat and humiliation of both of them.

In one corner, we have the excitable Dean Esmay, the former A Voice for Men Number Two who has become a formidable Twitter activist, if by “formidable” you mean “a slanderous, slur-spewing, own-goaling nitwit who really, really needs to think about switching to decaffeinated coffee and possibly getting off the internet forever because he embarrasses himself with such regularity.”

a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism homophobia irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture reactionary bullshit

A Voice for Men’s post on feminism destroying humanity is not only daft; it’s plagiarised

Eyes on your own paper, Mr. Bean!
Eyes on your own paper, Mr. Bean!

UPDATE: The plagiarised posts on AVFM have been taken down without explanation or apology; see my post here for more details and perhaps a little schadenfreude. 

UPDATE 2: Elam has belatedly posted an acknowledgement of (some of) the plagiarism. Then he called me fat. See my take here.

You may remember Amartya Talukdar, the marital rape legalization advocate and Holocaust denier who is also a regular contributor to A Voice for Men.

Yesterday, he graced us all with a post on AVFM featuring the ominous title Feminism and Destruction of Humanity.

a voice for men antifeminism bullying Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies gross incompetence hypocrisy imaginary backwards land internet tough guy irony alert lying liars mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats playing the victim post contains jokes post contains sarcasm projection rape rape culture the c-word twitter

Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay fights “rape hysteria,” “snotty c**ts,” “c**ty t**ts”

Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a "hatemongering bigot" or a "bigoted hatemonger."
Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a “hatemongering bigot” or a “bigoted hatemonger.”

So it’s been a while since I checked in on the heroic Twitter activism of the legendary Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay, formerly the Number Two at A Voice for Men, currently either the “Online Activism Director” or the “online outreach director” for the National Coalition For Men — the first according to him, the second according to the NCFM.

anti-Semitism antifeminism beta males bullying cuckolding entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs harassment literal nazis misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism rape culture rape jokes reactionary bullshit the c-word twitter

Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil underage girls men who should not ever be with girls ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape rape culture

Tyga is a Creepy Predator, But He’s Hardly the First Creepy Predator in the Music Biz

Tyga and Kylie Jenner
Tyga and Kylie Jenner

It’s not exactly news at this point that the rapper known as Tyga is, as a rather self-explanatory headline in The Daily Beast put it yesterday, “a Creepy Predator Who Is Attracted to Underage Girls.”