homophobia racism transphobia trump woke

The Week in Woke: Loki’s Sudden Bisexuality Edition

We’re back with more woke! Here are a few things that were denounced as “woke” by the anti-woke warriors this week.

critical race theory fox news racism the wayward press white supremacy woke

The Week in Fox News Chyrons: Anti-White Mania Edition

One of the best ways to keep up with what’s going on with Fox News — without having to actually watch it — is to follow Media Matters, which has a small army of journalists paid to monitor Fox and write up analyses of the most egregious nonsense. This little army does us all another favor by tweeting little screenshots of some of the stranger moments on the channel.

alt-right immigrants racism splc Uncategorized white genocide white supremacy

“Dissident right” website VDare took in millions of dollars from donors eager to spread its hateful message

Conservatives know that, with enough money, you can buy your way into almost any debate. Rich right-wingers have been pouring millions of dollars into think tanks for decades and propping up money-losing periodicals and websites that could never thrive (or possible even survive) on their own. And it works.

alt-lite candace owens empathy deficit misogyny racism sports

What are absolute shitheads saying about Naomi Osaka? A handy guide

Sometimes, when you’re depressed, the best thing you can do for yourself is to push yourself to do the thing you most dread. Other times, though, the best thing you can do is to avoid that anxiety-causing thing altogether — cancel that appointment, turn down that work assignment, whatever it is — and take refuge in a place that’s safe for you. Even if some people think you’re being a diva about it.

anti-Semitism Dunning–Kruger effect looks theory racism white supremacy

“You’re ugly” is not an argument: White Supremacist Edition

Who is this mysterious woman? Answer is below

Even the least-masterful debater knows you can’t win an argument by simply calling your opponent ugly. That’s not a argument; it’s an insult, an ad hominem.

cancel culture racism the wayward press woke

No, Jane Austen isn’t getting canceled for drinking a nice cup of tea

We return now to the ongoing culture war. This time we will take a close look at the alleged cancellation of Jane Austen for the crime of drinking tea.

anti-Semitism incels misogyny racism suicide video games

Incels can’t enjoy video games any more and it’s all Chad’s fault

Here’s a new one. A commenter on the forums complains that he doesn’t enjoy video games any more. Not because he’s played all his games to death and he’s sick of them. Not that he’s just lost interest in games in general. No, as he sees it, it’s all about the Chads.

critical race theory lying liars racism

The Federalist says it’s the left, not the right, that’s obsessed with Critical Race Theory. One quick search proves them wrong.

If you lived on an exclusive diet of right-wing media, you might be forgiven for thinking that the critical issue facing our troubled republic today was, not COVID, not the Republican war on democracy, not even the fact that J Lo and Ben Affleck have gotten back together after a 17-year break, but a formerly obscure academic doctrine called “Critical Race Theory.”

childfree eugenics misanthropy racism white babies white genocide

Conservatives fret after the US birth rate plummets; anti-natalists are thrilled, for all the wrong reasons

Not how any of this works

Back when the pandemic started, there were those who thought that it would lead to a new baby boom as the tedium of lockdowns would send couples to the bedroom to do one of the few remaining entertaining things you can do without a mask on.

attention seeking lying liars racism

The “war on police” and 8 other things that are tearing American civilization apart, according to Newt Gingrich

I’m taking a few days off from the usual gang of misogynists to explore other terrible people out there in the world being terrible. Today, let me present to you Newt Gingrich, who is still alive and just as terrible as ever.