A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”
A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”
Eric Clapton is in the news again not for his guitar playing but for the financial and logistical support he’s given to a group of anti-vax/anti-lockdown musicians who travel about the UK singing songs about “poison” vaccines and the like.
Leave it to the Federalist to offer a literal recipe for owning the libs.
Are there back incels, you might find yourself wondering. Yes, yes there are. Are they any less racist than their lighter-skinned counterparts? Sadly, based on what I’ve seen, no.
If public figures can be judged, at least in part, by the qualities of their biggest fans, then Tucker Carlson is a real piece of shit.
The Wiggles are coming for your children.
Well, technically they’ve always been coming for your children, in that they are a bunch of musicians who write and perform music intended to entertain and educate preschoolers.
So I started reading this column by Paul Craig Roberts explaining why “white privilege and white racism are hoaxes” and I began to feel a little woozy. Roberts’ leaps of logic were so strange and vertiginous I began to halfway wonder if someone had put something in my drink. Or in his.
We’re back for Week in Woke, a couple of days late, but the right-wingers haven’t exactly stopped calling everything they don’t like “woke.”
Here are the latest catches:
It’s always a struggle, in the head of the Daily Stormer’s top Nazi Andrew Anglin, to decide whom he hates the most — the traditional Nazi favorites (Jews, people of color) or women of any race.
It’s time once again for our weekly catalogue of some of the unlikelier things that right-wingers are denouncing as “woke.” This week features a cameo from none other than Donald Trump himself.
Let’s hop right in.