eternal gamergate fan mail misogyny racism transphobia twitter

Mail Call! More missives from unhappy readers

Like many of my correspondents, this fellow pulls his mail straight from his butt

I get mail, some of it nice, some of it not so nice. And people try to leave comments that are insipid or vile, which I don’t let through moderation.

But once in a while, I like to share some of these with you all because they are quite special in their own way.

anti-Semitism homophobia misogyny racism that's not funny! transphobia twitter

Elon Musk declares that “comedy is now legal on Twitter.” Here’s some of that, er, comedy

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before

Last night, Elon Musk, the new Chief Twit, tweeted that under his reign, “comedy is now legal on Twitter.” He did this after reports that his Twitter takeover had encouraged a nearly 500% increase in the use of the n-word on Twitter, as fans expecting looser rules tried out the limits of Musk’s “free speech absolutism” to see how many times they could use the word “n*gger” in a tweet.

alt-right fascism maga racism

Is the MAGA movement morphing into something indistinguishable from fascism? One white nationalist thinks so

It’s getting harder to tell the MAGAs from the Nazis. It’s not just the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson who thinks those on the right should abandon a dying conservatism for something much more fashy.

#gamergate alt-right misogyny racism video games

Huge shocker: People who identify as “gamers” are more likely to be racist, sexist dickweasels

The dude yelling slurs at you on XBox Live

I hope you’re sitting down, because this news could rock you to your very core: a new study shows that people who identify as “gamers” are more likely to act in racist and sexist ways.

evil sex-having women incels misogyny racism

Incel asks: “How can a man look a girl in the eyes and say ‘I love you,'” while imagining all the men she’s had sex with

Man contemplates all the dicks his girlfriend has sucked, probably

Incels devote a lot of their energy to imagining, in gory pornographic detail, all the sex they think women are having. Here are some reflections on the subject from someone called Inceldom Victim, one of the most prolific posters on

culture war oops racism schadenfreude vox day

Vox Day loses $1 million in crowdsourced money for a right-wing superhero film to a crypto con man, allegedly

Like money in the bank (or not so much)

Well, it looks like our dear old friend fiend Vox Day won’t be able to make his racist superhero flick after all. Because he’s apparently lost all the money he raised for it — a cool million bucks — to a cryptocurrency con artist who was supposed to be safeguarding the funds, the Daily Beast reports.

breitbart dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil fat fatties misogyny racism transphobia whaaaaa?

Batshit Breitbart: “Democrats Embrace Child Mutilation, Morbid Obesity to Replace Working Class”

Breitbart’s John Nolte

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Sometimes it’s useful to remind ourselves just how batshit Breitbart is. Take yesterday’s column by John Nolte, which argues that the “Democrats are embracing permanent child mutilation and morbid obesity” as a way “[t]o replace working-class, black, and Hispanic voters” they’ve been losing in recent elections.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about incels mass killing misogyny racism sexual harassment

Jesse Singal is famously bad on trans issues. Is he an incel apologist, too?

A 25-year-old California incel was recently arrested and charged with hate crimes, after he allegedly sprayed women with pepper spray in a series of attacks that he filmed and put on YouTube. With the hate crime “enhancements” on top of his various felony charges, he could face up to 13 years in prison.

incels misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism rape

That big report on incels that came out last week doesn’t live up to the hype

It’s not that complicated. If you want to learn what’s going on in the heads of the regular contributors to the forum, one of the best (and quickest) ways is to simply read an assortment of comments posted there (or perhaps several of my posts on the subject, all of which quote copiously from the original incel comments).

harassment misogyny racism YouTube

YouTubers are making big bucks vilifying Amber Heard and Meghan Markle — and YouTube won’t stop them

It’s been three and a half months since the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial ended with a victory for Depp. But Heard’s professional haters on YouTube can’t seem to quit her, putting out dozens of videos a day blasting her in any way they can think of; racking up millions of views in the process. I found more than a hundred of these videos posted just today (9/15/22).