In a recent post on AltRight.com, Alt-Right lady Wolfie James addresses what is perhaps the most important question facing Western Civilization today, which is: How TOTALLY HOTTTTTT are Alt-Right dudes?
In a recent post on AltRight.com, Alt-Right lady Wolfie James addresses what is perhaps the most important question facing Western Civilization today, which is: How TOTALLY HOTTTTTT are Alt-Right dudes?
We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.
If you wondered where I was yesterday, I was writing this piece for New York Magazine’s The Cut on confessed racist murderer James Jackson and the alt-right-ization of the MGTOW movement that takes off from this post of mine earlier this week. Discuss!
You might also want to take a look at Robyn Pennacchia’s Wonkette piece on Jackson.
Racist terrorist James Jackson — who has confessed to murdering an elderly black New Yorker as a sort of test run for a more dramatic act of mass murder — in many ways seems like 4chan’s /pol/ made flesh, a deeply alienated young white man driven by racist rage and, apparently, deep fears of sexual inadequacy.
Hate speech has consequences.
The Daily Beast suggests that accused killer James Jackson — who told police and the New York Daily News that he stabbed an elderly black man to death as a sort of “trial run” for a planned terrorist massacre of black men in Times Square — was radicalized, at least in part, by watching alt-right and white supremacist videos on YouTube.
Pale Hominid is the very model of the modern Twitter Nazi.
Men’s Rights Activists, and anti-feminists generally, are forever warning anyone who will listen that excessive feminism could, any day now, bring about the end of western civilization itself.
Internet creep repository Return of Kings continues its slide into full-on Nazism with a post bravely exposing the alleged “Hidden Agenda Behind Interracial Pornography.”