There’s a new Disney movie coming out in which the cast is not all white, so naturally, the right-wingers are throwing a fit about “wokeness” and the alleged evils of race-mixing–sorry, race-swapping.
There’s a new Disney movie coming out in which the cast is not all white, so naturally, the right-wingers are throwing a fit about “wokeness” and the alleged evils of race-mixing–sorry, race-swapping.
A couple of days ago, Buzzfeed ran an article looking at several artists who have been using AI art generators to create fat, black, and sometimes queer sci-fi and fantasy characters.
In the wake of a racist tirade from Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the white nationalists at Counter-Currents are urging the cartoonist and right-wing bloviator to go all the way and embrace white identity politics.
They didn’t even bother with “thoughts and prayers” this time. In the wake of the latest horrific mass shooting, which took ten lives in a Monterey Park, California dance studio, right-wingers seem almost giddy, doing a sort of victory lap because the suspected killer was not a white man.
Aside from a handful of reviewers and perhaps Mindy Kaling herself, it seems like the only people truly happy about the new Scooby-Doo prequel Velma are the right-wingers who’ve found a new “woke” show to hate. Over on Rotten Tomatoes, a presumed review-bombing campaign by right-wingers has driven the just-debuted show’s audience rating down to 6%; over on IMDb, the show has garnered a mere 1.3 stars out of ten, a worse score than even Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.
Author and anti-trans activist JK Rowling has announced she is launching a crisis center for female victims of rape and sexual abuse. The catch? Beira’s Place, as the center is called, won’t allow trans women to use its services.
WNBA star Brittney Griner is back on US soil again after being released from a Russian penal colony yesterday as part of a “prisoner swap” arranged between the US and Russian governments. Griner, imprisoned for the petty crime of having some hash oil in her luggage, was traded for a convicted arms dealer.
Elon Musk’s so-called free speech crusade is making Twitter a more hateful place, reports from two watchdog groups charge.
Bounding into Comics, one of the more boneheaded of the culture war blogs, which routinely blasts what it sees as excessive “wokeness” in comic books and films, has turned its attention to the latest comic book version of Star Trek, demonstrating in the process that it has completely missed the point of the whole franchise.
Many political publications demonize their opponents, but few do it as literally as Gateway Pundit. The fact-challenged, frequently hysterical, conspiracy-minded far-right site that has been known to get more traffic than USA Today just loves calling their assorted enemies, from Democrats to the media, “demonic.” And by this, they seem to mean that literal minions of Satan are infesting or at least advising all these antagonists of theirs.