misogyny racism white genocide women aren't human

Male bag: “Women are an infantile race, and providing them the same rights as men is a recipe for societal decline and depravity”

We get letters! From angry weirdos! In this case, the strange missive came in the form of a comment that someone calling himself The Depletionist tried to leave here in response to a post of mine. I didn’t let the comment through, but it’s too good — by which I mean too terrible — not to share with you all.

4chan cuck gender policing homophobia racism toxic masculinity trump

On 4chan’s /pol/ even the Biden supporters are huge raging assholes

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On this election day eve, 4chan’s /pol/ board is awash in Trumpmania, with the president’s fans calling on fellow anons to do everything they possibly can to support their beloved leader.

anti-Semitism memes racism

What they’re mad about on Facebook now

I decided to take a little break from the manosphere for the day and plunge instead into another maelstrom of delusion, disinformation and hate: Facebook. Or at least the Very Mad side of Facebook, as helpfully curated by the contributors to the InsanePeopleOnFacebook subreddit.

/pol/ 4chan anime nazis anti-Semitism bad science misogyny racism rape rape is good actually

Today in 4Chan: Anon offers ingenious solution to “blonde genocide.” (Hint: It involves a lot of rape.)

4Channers dream of the future

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By David Futrelle

So over on 4Chan’s /pol/ board, the anons are talking about ways to save blondes with blue eyes from what anons think will be their eventual genetic demise. Never mind that the notion of the “disappearing blonde gene” is scientific nonsense; these guys love to get worked up about things that aren’t true.

open thread racism Uncategorized

The Killing of George Floyd: Open Thread

A thread to discuss the police killing of George Floyd and the protests that have arisen in the wake of his death. No trolls.

anti-Semitism Dunning–Kruger effect elliot rodger empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually

Tall men “make short roasties’ holes quiver with the thought of eradicating short men” and other insights from Twitter’s Daily Blackpill

Shaq and then-girlfriend Nicole Alexander genociding short men

By David Futrelle

The fellow who runs the Daily Blackpill account on Twitter is the very model of a modern incel — bitter, angry, hopelessly confused, and probably a few inches short of 6 feet tall. He hates Jews, “roasties,” Chad, and men taller than him.

#metoo alt-right coronavirus men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual assault sexual harassment white supremacy

Racist idea man Steve Sailer wants male scientists working on coronavirus to be exempt from #MeToo accusations

Man scientist doing important man work, cannot be disturbed by petty complaints from women he groped

By David Futrelle

Noted racist, er, “intellectual” Steve Sailer has an interesting proposal that he thinks could speed up research on the coronavirus: we should exempt male researchers in the field from accusations of sexual harassment and assault until the virus is finally defeated.

alt-right bad science Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evo psych fairy tales homophobia irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture

Arguing against someone’s ideas “is a form of slavery,” and other untrue things I’ve learned from the Mammoth Malebag

woman saying "what"
I’m equally confused

By David Futrelle

I spend a lot of my time reading through other people’s very bad opinions. And I don’t always have to go to Reddit or to find them. Trolls and weirdos often deliver their terrible opinions directly to me in the form of emails and tweets and comments they try to leave here on the blog.

alpha males alt-lite bad science Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture rape is good actually reddit

Do you ever wonder who the dudes posting terrible shit on Reddit really are? One of the worst was an advisor to Boris Johnson

Andrew Sabisky: Redditor. Political advisor. Smug prick.

By David Futrelle

It would be nice, so nice, if the dudes posting the most hateful shit on the internet lived only on the internet. But no. These guys are out there walking around in the real world — manspreading on the subway, stealing our lunches from the office fridge, pestering women in clubs. They live amongst us. They have pets. They have jobs.

4chan alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics incels Islamophobia mass shooting misogyny none dare call it conspiracy QAnon racism

No, the racist mass shooter in Hanau, Germany was NOT an incel

A makeshift memorial for the victims in Hanau

By David Futrelle

On Wednesday night, a gunman opened fire on patrons at two separate hookah bars in Hanau, Germany, killing nine; he and his elderly mother were later found dead in his apartment.